35: Missus Hidaya

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With tear filled eyes Hidaya gave her son a hug before helping him blow out his candle.
"Cheat" Ya Amir frowned referring to his wife who had beat him to blow out Khalids candle, he was one.

"Happy Birthday my boy" she kissed his forehead looking deep into his eyes which mirrored his fathers, that was something she wished she could change about him. His eyes made her so happy and at the same time they reminded her of a time she was hurt beyond measure. She had seen his texts that morning and like every other day she deleted the notification before she could get the temptation of opening it.

She had moved on, or so she liked to tell herself. She had moved on but he was still hurting her, he was hurting her by reminding her everyday about how much he meant to her, how her actions moved in line with his,how the smell of him was the first thing that greeted her every morning even if he wasn't there, it was almost as it she was programmed to smell him, to hear his voice waking her to pray, to feel him inside her. But she had moved on.
"Kai Khal" she jerked up quickly withdrawing her bossom from the child "Noor this boy keeps biting me, I'm going to throw away your son. Oya ga shi" Hidaya made an attempt to fling the child to Ya Amir who narrowed his eyes at her saying 'Kul fa' and they both laughed.

It was a Saturday and knowing this made Hidaya glad, since she decided to get more involved in her late fathers company after the birth of Khalid she had gotten super busy. Busier than she had ever been for a woman whose job was to just sit in her ex husbands house and do nothing, life was now about being a proper wife, meetings, numerous travels, motherhood, presentations all which she would've given up if not for Amir, running the company with his and uncle Hussains help made everything easier.

"Careful Noor, he just ate. Ko da yake he's your son ku kuka sani" Hidaya cautioned Ya Amir who was swinging Khalid up and down getting instant giggles from the boy which in turn made his heart squeeze with joy, even though he regarded Khalid as his son like everyone else he knew it was only a matter of time before his real father came back into the picture and deep down it hurt him every time he remembered that his favourite person in the world was someone who was not even related to him by blood.

"Khal tell mommy to leave us be, we're just having fun" Ya Amir said trying to mimic a childs voice while still bouncing with the boy in hand, he eventually settled down on one of the sofas and busied himself with his phone.

"Aunt Safina" Hidaya smiled into her phones front camera, she had just received a video call from Safina and Abu-Bakr who were calling to wish Khalid a happy birthday.

"Where's my boy? Where's that little soldier?" Safina beamed almost as if she'd peep right out through the phone.

"He just fell asleep, Ya Amir tired him out"

"Oh well give him a thousand kisses from his favourite aunt" Safina and Hidaya continued with their chat which ended up being about the company before calling it a day.


Khalil dropped out the back of his SUV which was being driven by Mallam Lawal, they had just parked outside five storey building he called an office but something was different, he was nervous to go in. While he had been looking forward to that particular Wednesday, he felt somewhat unprepared for his meeting. Had it been with any other person he would've been unbothered but this was Hidaya, his Hidaya.

He pushed down the lump in his throat and proceeded to enter the building going ahead with his daily routine of replying greetings as he walked to the elevator and out of it. Khalil took a quick trip to the mens room finding himself in front of a mirror.
"Get a grip man" he told himself whilst smoothing his hands down the front of his perfectly tailored suit, she loved a man in a suit and so he wore it confidently. When he made his way to the conference room the sound of his heartbeat was louder than the greetings he was getting from the other occupants of the room, they were seven in total but the room felt empty to him until he perceived her scent when the door to the conference room opened again, he took slow breaths as he leaned forward fixing his eyes on the doorway; waiting.

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