22: Acceptance

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Hidaya zipped up her fully packed box of clothes pulling up the box, she stood for a moment thinking about nothing in particular. She had traveled so far that she didn't hear her name being called, not until he waved his hand in front of her face bringing her back with a few blinks.

"I didn't hear you come in" she smiled only then realizing her luggage was no longer in the confines of her room, she shook her head wondering how she traveled so far into her not so meaningful thoughts. Khalil was dressed and ready to go and all she had to do was pull her handbag over her shoulder and she was ready to go, but was she ready?

The second thoughts were beginning to settle in and her eyes landing on her husband only confirmed that, she would miss him. Even if she would be away for only a week, what was her week going to be like without bits of Khalil in it? She was even more confused when her eyes began to turn moist as they drove into the airport, when did crying become her thing?

She sniffed, driving away any tears that were beginning to form, she couldn't let him see her crying. Khalil again waved his hand in her face notifying her they were already in the parking area and the car had come to a stop.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked with concern written on his face unstrapping his belt so he could turn his body to face her, Hidaya released a deep breath she didn't realize she was holding with a fake smile marrying her lips "I'm fine" she lied.

Khalil knew she wasn't saying the truth, he was learning to see through her. He thought of asking again but decided against it, she would ease in at her own time.

The couple went into the airport completing the necessary checks before finding a place to seat in the all access zone of the terminal, they still had a few minutes until departure. Khalil turned on his phones backlight smiling at his lock screen wallpaper, he had truly missed his daughter. Jalila was making life difficult for him but he was going to pull through, he would find a way to maintain the relationship he once had with his cousin and daughter.

The first thirty minutes Hidaya flew for Khalil used in driving to his cousins house, somehow he felt if his wife was with him she would nag about how fast he was going. He was feeding on his eagerness, all he wanted was to hold Honey in his arms. He continuously played around with his key as he made his way to the front door of Jalilas house only realizing it had been over a month since he was there, a house that he once called home. He rang the doorbell and impatiently waited for the door to open, it was almost three p.m and a Saturday so if h knew his cousin well and he did, then she was home.

Jalila pulled open the front door still trying to wipe the wonder off her face, she had seen him pull up into the driveway and quickly shook her head thinking she was hallucinating. While she still nursed her anger she did miss him, but aside that she really wanted him to call her before coming.

"Khalil" she smiled seductively, slightly tilting sideways so her elbow rested on the door handle "You're here"

"Yes. I miss my daughter Jalila, I miss you. I'm so-so sorry for what happened" he put his hands us pleading "It was in a fit of rage"

"Its okay, come on in"

They silently walked to the living room where Khalil made himself at home, picking up the remote to change the channel.

"Honey went to the neighbors, I'll go get her" she made a quick stop at her room to pick a hijab and her phone before going out through the back door while quickly dialing her mothers number.

She muffled a scream not wanting to get any unwanted attention quickly dodging an agama lizard that ran her way, "Hello Aunty"

"Ehen why are you breathing so heavily"

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