14: Goodbyes

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Hello there everyone, sorry for the late update but here it is. Its longgggg it's foooody😏 its sad 😔 its heartbreaking 💔
And I know you're going to like it...


I spent my first days as a senior missing the company of Ibrahim and Anwar, while I could no longer be punished by seniors I still missed getting saved by my best friend and sometimes boyfriend. Hauwa was now in SS3 and we occasionally met, she always asked about Ibrahim and I knew she still loved him dearly and was merely keeping it together. The first few times I saw her her eyes would fill up with tears and I wished it wasn't someone I knew who inflicted so much pain on her. Everyone deserves to have the person they love.

"When is Ibrahim coming over? I want him to give a message to his mother" Ibrahim was coming over to take me out; or so my mom thought, I had informed her I was going out with a friend for ice cream meaning Anwar but since Ibrahim was the only friend I'd ever brought home she expected it to be him.

"Ibrahim isn't coming"

"You said you were going out with-"

"A friend" I finished for her "Not Ibrahim, another friend" Mama slowly nodded her head and went back to tapping on the screen of her phone, I sat back on her bed waiting for her series of questions while playing a game on my phone.

"This friend, does he have a name?"

I sighed "Anwar. Anwar Sadat"

"How old is this Anwar?"

"Seventeen, he's Ibrahims classmate actually."

"Don't you think your mother should meet him first before you scurry out with him?"

"You will, just not today"

"Then you're going nowhere"

"Mama... Fine you'll meet him today"


And about an hour later my beloved Anwar arrived, he looked breathtakingly handsome in his black kaftan with his brown Zannah Bukar perfectly perched on his head. As expected, Mama was quick to like him and when it was time for us to go we didn't get any objections.

"You look really beautiful Hidaya" he said again when we had settled down at 'Blueberry's cuisine and creamery', we sat at opposites and the way Anwar kept looking at me... It was more of ogling and I liked it.

"Thank you" He had leaned back into his chair and was continuously tapping on the table looking out the window, if I didn't know better I would shrug it off but since I did I had to know what the problem was.
"Anwar what is it?"

His head snapped back in my direction "What's what?"

"There's something bothering you, tell me"

"And what makes you think I'm bothered?" He asked whilst rolling his eyes and Anwar only rolled his eyes when he was telling a lie, to me.

"Fine then, I don't want to hear it" I took out my phone from my purse to reply a few PINGS.

"I'll be leaving for Abuja in two days"

"Okay... Why was that so hard to say?"

"I'm not coming back"

"What?" I chuckled expecting him to laugh off his supposed joke with me and when he didn't I knew something was wrong "I thought you were going to Romania to school and that too would be in three months?"

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