7: Amnesia

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I hate this chapter
But I needed to get rid of it
I hope you like it.


👑 Khalil👑

I tapped my finger on the stirring wheel in sync to the beat of the song I was listening to, my song was interrupted by Jalilas incoming call.

"Hey sis"

"Hy, your girl is asking if you'll be home for dinner"

"Actually I have to pass, I want to spend some time with Hidaya. Please explain to Honey"

"Oh, right. I'll just tell her you'll be late"

"Pass the phone to her please"

"Daddy, Good afternoon"

"Its evening Honey"

"Good evening daddy"

"How are you my angel?"

"I'm fine"

"How was school?"

"Fine" and she went on giving me every detail of what happened at school, I managed to pitch in not coming home early and I could hear the disappointment in her voice. She made me promise to take her out for ice cream during the weekend and I had no option but to agree, she let me off easy.

"You're welcome sir" Jacob ran to take my suitcase, with my phone sandwiched between my ear and my shoulder I waved him off. I tossed the car key at him gesturing for him to wash the car and continued walking towards the front door.

"Don't forget about tomorrow daddy" Honey reminded once again.

"Okay, bye Honey. Take care of yourself" By the time I ended the call I realized there was someone in the my living room, I said a silent prayer popping my head in to see Hidaya.

I'm screwed.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I entered fully, I knew there would come a day when I would have to explain how I had a four year old daughter to her but I didn't want it to be today because I wasn't sure she would take it lightly.

"Wa'alaikumus salam" I heard her say, I looked down at my feet thinking of what to say. Should I tell her and risk jeopardizing everything or just avoid the topic for the time being? Before I completed my little debate in my head she ran past me through the corridor, "Hidaya, wait" I didn't get her attention, she just kept going. I'm guessing up to her room.

I tightened my grip on my suitcase contemplating what my next move should be, I looked at the front door and back at the corridor. My mind was fully made, I was going to meet her and explain everything with the hopes of her kind heart understanding.

I stood in front of the door to her room taking a deep breath, I raised my hand to knock.

Don't do it.

I turned around and ran down the staircase picking a car key from the console top on my way out to the parking lot where I asked Jacob to open the gates for me before zooming off.


I felt a throbbing headache before opening my eyes, squinting them a little to adjust to the blinding rays reaching them. The air had a pungent smell, I raised my right hand to see a cannula draining fluid from a drip bag into my system. A nurse wearing blue came in with a big scowl on her face.

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