41: Liam Part2

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Ava sat with legs crossed on the vanity stool which she had brought close to the bed, just enough to reach out and touch his hand. Khalil was asleep on his stomach, when he felt a hand touch him his eyes slightly opened and when he saw who was sitting beside him he jerked up. On one side was Ava, wearing a pair of jeans and her favorite hoodie -which was his- with the hood resting in her shoulders allowing her bouncy milano brown hair to fall back perfectly and on the other saide was Hidaya, asleep with a smile on her face.

"Oh relax K, its a dream" Ava smiled.
" I must admit, I have missed you. A lot"

Khalil who was still trying to settle the idea of what was going on adjusted his seating position so his feet were touching the ground, it all felt so real.
"Why did you do it Ava? Why kill yourself?"

"I just couldn't keep it together anymore. You weren't exactly the nicest person while I was alive you know" she rolled her eyes.

"So you're saying this has to do with me?"

She laughed "To some extent, yes but don't beat yourself up about it." There was a short pause.
"I see you found out about Liam"

"I know he's not mine Ava. The last time we were together was 12 years ago"

Ava tilted her head sideways "Aww" so much detail she said with pouted lips whilst reaching out to touch him, Khalil knew she wasn't real and it was only a dream but when her hand touched his face he moved back almost immediately.
"Really? I'm dead K, at least let me have this moment"

He shook his head almost immediately, if he was getting a second chance to talk to Ava he wasn't going to waste it on whatever she had in her head.

"Who is the father Ava? And why was hiding Liam so important?"

She was now standing with both hands tucked into the back pockets of her jeans, Ava carried her usual smile. Somehow she managed to keep it with her even in death.

Khalil wasn't exactly pleased when his eyes opened up, even though he didn't ask for Ava to come into his head, he hoped to get something better out of it. He sighed seeing his wife still asleep beside him, he almost felt guilty for having to wake her up. She had an appointment with a doctor.

Khalil knew he had things to discuss with his father and he didn't want Hidaya finding out about his suspicions just yet. All she needed to know was that he didn't have some bastard child out there and she knew that. He had gone up to his room allowing his wife to clean up and get dressed, it wasn't until he heard her call his name when she entered his room that he realized he had been standing by the sliding glass doors for almost an hour.

"You're ready" he smiled "Listen do you mind if Lawal drives you to the hospital, there is something that I have to take care of. Very important"

"Its fine" she smiled back at him. Khalil took his wife's handbag from her as they both went downstairs to the ground floor when they ran into Mahmoud coming up from the kitchen with a bitten slice of bread in his hand.

He greeted them with a big grin with his eyes going from his bread to them and back to his bread "Good morning guys, you're up early"

Hidaya who still had her smile tugging onto her lips raised a brow "so thats where all the bread goes" and they all laughed. "Good morning Mahmoud"

After a short exchange of pleasntries, Khalil had his brother wait for him in the dining area while he escorted Hidaya out. He hoped to have this whole mess sorted out before she got back.

For now he knew Liam was not his son but he was also informed about his fathers awareness of the child, this only put him deeper into thought. He struggled to push the horrible instance of his father being the missing piece in the torturous puzzle, that would just throw their lives into a state of depression.

Khalil and Mahmoud sat in the dining area impatiently waiting for their father to pick his call, when he did they both forwarded their greetings. A brief moment of silence passed.

Mahmoud grew impatient "Is Liam your son?"

"What?" Mahmoud responded by repeating himself, not knowing exactly how to react when the line went blank. He shared a confused glance with his brother both finding themselves spots on the floor of the corridor they were pacing. It was a head spinning moment of weakness, a moment of severe confusion.

After what seemed like an hour later the phone which was sitting beside Khalil rang. He made a move to see who was calling, it was their father. Khalil almost forgot to breathe between the time he answered the call and when he heard a voice at the other end of the line. It was their mother and she sounded pissed.

"So boys, your father is now an adulterer huh?" Mahmoud and Khalil shared knowing glances, they could never miss their mother's sarcasm. It was too familiar.

"Mom" Mahmoud cooed.

"Shut up! I am very disappointed in you both, if there is one thing your father will never do it is be unfaithful to me. We have been through hell and more together that is simply impossible, Liams father is-"

"No" They heard Alhaji Nuhu say "I made a promise to keep this secret Zainab, and I will keep it"

"Its a good thing Ava trusted us both to tell us then Nuhu, but you know what? I never made any promises." She continued "Nine years ago Ava got involved with some very dangerous men, she happened to be in a relationship with Eduardo Cruz who got her pregnant and when he found out asked her to abort the pregnancy, Ava had nowhere to go and no one to turn to so she came to I and Nuhu and we came up with a plan. She convinced Cruz she had aborted the pregnancy with the help of his doctor who we paid to forge her results and we flew Ava out of the country on a supposed coursework till she safely delivered Liam. No one except Ava, your father, I and Mrs. Miller knew about Liams existence because if Cruz had even the slightest hunch he would kill Liam or worse, turn him to his heir

I have told you this in good faith, Ava took this to her grave and you must. I am more afraid now that more people know about Liam, something has to be done to keep his identity hidden for the rest of his life because he is not only in danger from his father but also from his father's enemies. I trust you will keep your immature mouths shut, you boys seriously need to be flogged"

Khalil and Mahmoud shared continuous glances both feeling uneasy. They had apologized to their patents before ending the call but both the men knew they wouldn't get off that easy. Just on cue Khalil received another call from an unknown number which was unusual considering that was his mobile and not work phone. Quickly scanning his thoughts to recall if he knew the phone number her tapped the answer portion of his screen on the last ring.

The voice sounded familiar, he couldn't exactly place his finger on it. Khalil had skipped the stairs back up to his home office when the voice clicked.

"Doctor Gbenga" Khalils free hand was now tucked into the pocket of his sweatpants which suddenly became loose "Is everything okay?"

"Good day Mr. Ibrahim, we need you here"

xoxo hairanumar

A million and one apologies!

There really is no justification for keeping you guys waiting this long and I wish I hadn't. Two more chapters to go in sha Allah. Thank you for your patience.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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