29: Dinner at the Bardes

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To my loyal readers who have been with me since my first book, you will be meeting some old friends in this chapter 🙃 I hope you like it...


"Yes" Khalil smirked folding his arms loosely against his chest "Don't you even dare deny Kawu, you should be ashamed of yourself" Ibrahims eyebrows rose in confusion, what was his cousin talking about? He looked at his sisters face which carried a look of amusement glaring at her till she shifted uncomfortably. Did she not see what she was doing to Khalils mind? She was slowly turning him into a mad man, Ibrahim was sure of that.
"Cat got your tongue, brother?" Khalil moved forward returning his hands to his sides "Did you think I would never find out? You betrayed me"

"What on earth are you talking about Khalil? Have you lost your mind?" Ibrahims hands flew up in frustration, he felt defeated knowing his cousin wasn't speaking on his own free will.

Khalils shoulders shook from his silent laughter and he again crossed his arms over his chest "I'm talking about our trip to Lagos"

Khalil had grown impatient waiting for Hidaya in the car, he knew his uncles wife well and he knew she could delay them to the point of missing their flight. He stepped out of the car which already had its door opened strolling up to the front door, Khalil heard shuffles from behind the door stopping him from turning the handle.

"What's wrong?" He heard Hidayas voice, he didn't want to eavesdrop but for some reason his feet stayed glued to the ground and his ears focused on the ongoing conversation.

"You know I searched for you Hidaya, I did really. There was a time when it got unbearable, the pain and I called uncle Nuhu asking him if he knew anything about where you could be or if he knew your Uncle and his whereabouts. He sent me the address a few days later and I went down to Abuja but when I got to the house, I found out your Uncle and his family had just moved and the neighbours didn't provide any useful information since they didn't know me and couldn't risk handing me the address of an influential man like that but that didn't stop me... I kept on coming until I was arrested the third day for trespassing, they wouldn't let me bail myself out and luckily my father was in town so he did and forbade me from continuing the search.

I just don't get it Hidaya, why? Why would you delete us from your life like that? Did you even stop to think about my feelings? If I would be okay without you? Or the pain you made me go through? You only thought about yourself and what you thought was best for you, and now it hurts even more that I can't be there for you, that I can't be that shoulder to cry on, that I can't support you physically or maybe even emotionally because you're a married woman and it is your husbands duty, that I can't even be your best friend anymore. You know that day when I heard about the crash I rushed to your house and found you unconscious, I was devastated and scared of what would happen when you woke up. I was with you the whole night until the next morning your uncle and his family arrived and I heard them discussing your fate, they didn't know what to do with you so I made up my mind.

Immediately I got home that morning I went to Anty and said 'I'm going to marry her Mama this way you can be the mother she lost'. If only I knew you would forget me so soon" Khalil moved back in shock weakened by his cousins confession. He understood the pain of losing a loved one to life but what he didn't understand was why the revelation came at that moment, it was unnecessary knowing she was taken and there was nothing that could be done about it.

Unless he had a plan of his own.

Khalil shook the awful thought away murmuring a few Istighfars he quickly walked back to the car leaning on it the same time the front door opened, he released a breath he had been holding.

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