25: I'm Sorry, But I Cant Take Her Back

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Alhaji Nuhu laid back on his chair in his study continuously tapping his index finger on the wooden table as he stared at his wife who held her phone loosely in one hand, the news she received made her weak and she was barely able to stand.

"Leave it to Khalil to drag me down to Nigeria unplanned" he pushed himself out of the chair circling the table to meet his perplexed wife "What do we do Zainab?"

Hajiya Abu sighed "I don't know Nuhu, this time I really don't know"

Mufida paced her room with her hands akimbo, she started biting on her nails unconsciously. What had she done? She thought agreeing to help Khalil would be good for her cousins marriage only to find out hours later that they had gotten a divorce, she thought about her brother and how he would react, what he would do to Khalil for hurting Hidaya.

Daddy and Anty Sakina sat in silence, they both hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep since they got the devastating call from Hajiya Umma, all Alhaji Hussain could think of was what he would say to Allah after his death about how he forced an orphan into marriage, a marriage that was sour.

"Sakina what have I done?" Daddy asked taking off his glasses, his eyes had turn moist "Oh Ya Allah forgive me for transgressing against this orphan child" a tear escaped his eye catching the attention of his wife who had taken a seat next to him.

"Everything will be fine" she sniffed. Anty Sakina had only seen her husbands tears after the death of his brother, not once before then.

The whole house was silent as the Hussain Abdulqadir's waited for the arrival of their guests, this time no one was pleased with the meeting that was going to hold.

Khalil took the first flight to Abuja arriving a few minutes past eight in the morning, he took an Uber instead of calling Mallam Lawal, he didn't have time to wait. He needed to be in the confines of his study so he could open his mind to think, to try and understand what was going on. He blanked out through the drive home staring at the blue sky which had trees cutting open at several intervals.

"Sir, we have arrived" the Uber driver said parking the car right outside the gate of Khalils house "Sir?" He turned to make sure he was heard the first time "Sir we have arrived" he repeated this time gaining Khalils attention who quickly shook his head to clear out the nothings he thought of.

"Yes, okay" he pushed open the door and got out heading for the pedestrian gate which was already opened for him.

"Sir," The Uber driver called with his head stuck out through the window "your luggage" the security quickly ran to take it from the backseat of the car apologizing on his boss' behalf. Although he had never seen his boss that absent minded, he figured it was the pressure from work.

Mahmoud ran upstairs after his brother meeting him in his room staring at the picture of him and his father that hung on the wall. Khalil had his left arm supporting his right which was stroking his chin.

"Brother" Mahmoud called going deeper into the room "What's going on?" Khalil turned around giving Mahmoud the greatest shock of his life when he crashed into him sobbing, deep down he knew his heart was broken but it was almost as if he wasn't allowed to feel the pain of being separated from his other half, his known better half.
"Whoa" Mahmoud muttered feeling a tug in his heart unable to understand the situation. Did his sister in-law do something wrong for his brother to act the way he did? From what he saw Hidaya was patient with his brother, patient enough to take a hit for him, patient enough to live with his demons; their separation baffled him and he couldn't wait to know the reason why.

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