11: Lagos

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The front door opened up revealing my cousin whose smile died on seeing me "Khalil" she threw out. Jalila leaned on the door frame with crossed arms, looking at me with a poker expression.

"Jalila" I tucked my hands into the pockets of my trousers maintaining a balanced posture as the silent stare continued.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy..." Honey sang from inside, I could hear the thuds of her feet as she ran to me brushing past her mom who had blocked the entrance.

"Hello angel" I smiled picking her up. Her thick full rubbery hair was loosened and packed in a high bun "How are you?"

"Fine, mommy said you weren't coming" the four year old said, I looked back at Jalila making sure we maintained eye contact "Well mommy was wrong. I'll always be here for you Honey" I kissed her cheek and set her down "Go to your room okay? I'll call you out when its time to go"

"You know you can't keep her away from me, she is my daughter too"

"Actually Khalil, last time I checked you asked us to stay away from your 'family' and in case you don't know, my daughter and I come as a package, you can't get one without the other. So this is me, us staying away" She turned around and began walking away "Shut the door before you leave" I shook my head and walked in behind her.

"Jalila!" I called her name thrice before she turned around "What?" she asked at the top of her voice "What Khalil? What?"

I sighed "I'm sorry" she snorted a laugh and looked me dead in the eye but I knew under all that rage my cousin was hurting. I promised to stand by her no matter the circumstances and before Hidaya I had owned up to my responsibilities but right now I had to set my priorities straight, I had my own family to take care of.
"I didn't mean to lash out on you like that, its just Hidaya and I barely know each other, we're just starting to learn how to live together and I was afraid you were going to offset the balance of an unstable relationship"

"Forgive me for caring brother" with one hand akimbo I ran my fingers through my hair thinking of a solution.

"You know what? Why don't you give her to me"


"I want Honey to live with me" I had made so many promises, I had gotten so used to having a daughter. And even though I failed on Jalilas end, I didn't want Honey to lose her father again.

She laughed again this time dramatically clapping her hands together "Please see yourself out, I will explain to my daughter who her real father is but thank you. If you'll excuse me." She went in with a grand exit flipping up the curtains. I took a deep breath and turned to leave. So much had happened in such a little amount of time.

I loved Jalila, like the sister I never had. Yes, she overstepped some boundaries but I was beginning to think I overreacted with her, after all family is family.

I stopped at a nearby masjid to pray Isha. While walking back to my car my phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and read the caller ID clicking the green portion of the screen.
"Assalamu Alaikum, hi mom and ina wuni (Good afternoon)"

"Hello dear, how are you? How's work?"


"And how is she?" Her voice took a witty note at that.

"She's fine mom"

"That's good, very good. Your father wants to talk to you and I don't know why he has refused to call you with his phone, this man is getting old. I've told him I'm leaving him, I'm still very young you know"

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