8: Old Friends

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loverholic_anonymous thank you for your wonderful comment, you've motivated me Wallah. Jazakhallahu Hairan ❤


"She did what?" I asked at the top of my voice.

"I didn't want to tell you but I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later" Mahmoud casually replied pulling the brakes so we stopped at a T-junction where the traffic light showed red.

"Take me to Jalilas house"

"I don't think that is a good idea, you're angry. You shouldn't make decisions while enraged"

"Mahmoud by Allah if you don't turn this car around you will see a bitter side of me!" I ordered, he sighed in defeat and instead of going straight home he took a U-turn taking us back to Jalilas house.

My blood was boiling, I was in a state of rage that was making my head pound. How dare she hit my wife? My petite wife!

As we waited for the gate to be opened Mahmoud spoke again "Brother you have to calm down. You know what happens when you get angry" I turned my face to him gracing him with a tight lip smile as I counted seconds in my head, without waiting for the car to come to a stop I opened the door and hopped out.

I continuously pressed the doorbell impatiently waiting for someone to open the door so I could do what I came for.

"What the hell Jalila!" I greeted her with fire, I burned from within and I was sure she could see it through my eyes.

"I'm sorry" she let go of the door and stepped aside for me to enter. I was about to speak when I felt a tug from behind from my brother urging me to step in.

"How dare you?"

"I said I was sorry"

"You just stay away from my family" I turned to leave.

"Family" she huffed, making me stop in my tracks and turn to look at her "Last time I checked I too am your family, I can't even count the number of times you've beaten up my own brother for me"

"We were kids, that is different. You hit my wife Jalila, my wife. Do you have any idea what that means?"

"It means I care about you, it means I'm willing to go miles to protect you, it means I'm your family"

"No, it means you're insane. Just stay away from us"
"Mahmoud!" I called out to him from outside, he was wasting precious time. Who knew the kind of damage that would be done by the time I got my home.


I stood outside her door -again- preparing a speech in my head, after knocking three times with no call in I opened the door and let myself inside. I quickly scanned the room for Hidaya but she was nowhere, I walked to the closet calling her name a few times but there was no answer. My forehead creased, I knocked on the bathroom door a few times but still nothing.

Where could she have gone?

Mahmoud came running in with his phone held up.

"Its Alhaji Hussain" That did it for me, I knew everything had escalated but I hoped it wasn't beyond repair. A huge lump formed at the back of my throat as I took the phone from him and raised it to my ear.
"Assalamu Alaikum"

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