27: Letting Go

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Hajiya Abu felt a presence beside her causing her to look up from her book, she pulled her legs from under her dress so she could sit upright.

"What's that?" she asked putting a bookmark in between the page she read and the next she closed the book and set it down on the stool beside her.

"Nothing" Alhaji Nuhu replied finding himself a spot beside her "Just a scoop of your favorite ice cream"

Her lips formed a small smile "Just a scoop?" She tilted an eyebrow taking the bowl from him.

"Madam I didn't say it was yours" he reciprocated her facial movement taking a spoonful he brought it up to her lips "But I'll share" he smiled. A few spoons later they had finished the scoop and Hajiya Abu couldn't help thanking God it was a large one.
"I'm sorry" he said only above a whisper refusing to let their eyes meet, Hajiya Abu rolled her eyes mumbling an I told you so.

"I'm just overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, when I met with Hussain about the future of our company I didn't see things spiraling into this hot mess. I mean-what happened to my son?"

"Do you see what I mean now? Something is wrong somewhere Nuhu, may be a case of jinn"

"Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakil" Alhaji Nuhu sighed resting his forehead on his raised knee "What do we do?"

"The right thing" Hajiya Abu replied giving him a pat on the back.


Jalilas heart kept racing throughout the flight to Lagos, she was beginning to fear her mother. She was no longer the sweet woman that raised her and her brother, she was blinded by her own version of care, deaf to the truth and lost in a trance she called love.
"Anty" Jalila called once she stepped into the house, she was glad she left Honey with Mahmoud for the day she would be spending in Lagos. She found her mother in the small living room sipping a cup of hibiscus drink.

"Spread the salam" Anty glared at her until she did after which they shared a hug.
"Where's my granddaughter?"

"She's with Mahmoud, he picked her up from school. Where's Kawu?"

"Right here" both Jalila and Anty turned their heads to the door seeing Ibrahims smiling face as he entered the room "What are you doing here?"

She rolled her eyes "Oh forgive me for coming to my fathers house brother. You realize I can come live here if I want to right?"

"So why haven't you?" There was a brief silence as Jalila thought of the best way to change the topic, her brother never really liked the idea of her living alone in another city, he never agreed with his mothers decision knowing fully well she had manipulated their father into allowing that to happen.

"Anyway how are you? Did you miss me?"

"I missed Amal, where is she?" He asked turning his head trying to scout for her tiny self.

"She's in Abuja, Mahmoud picked her up from school"

"Oh that's nice, when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning"

"So you just came to cook up another scheme with Anty, may God forgive the two of you"

"Kawu it seems you've forgotten who I am ko? Leave this place immediately—-or you know what? Just stay, zo mu je ciki" Anty pulled Jalila with her and once they were safely in the confines of her room she took out her phone to place a phone call putting the phone on speaker.

"Hello Mallam, she's here and we're both listening"

"Good ku ji ni da kyau there is no room for any mistake!"

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