36: Get out

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Perfection. It was something Hidaya thought to be absolutely impossible, nothing could go right for her, she was cursed and unwanted by mother nature. Her life went leftwards every time. But since she had Khalid she was forced to see the world differently, she received a new orientation about life and now everything revolved around him, he was her world and he was perfect so her world was perfect.

Hidaya ran her thumb across the framed picture of her son placed on her table whilst smiling when her secretary came in.
"Ma, Mr Ibrahim is here for your ten o'clock meeting" Hidaya released a sigh hoisting herself up from her chair she moved to the sitting area in the office settling down just before her secretary asked Khalil to go in.

He stopped in the doorway letting the welcoming smell of the office invite him in, Khalil carried a hidden smile which he tried hard to prevent from surfacing as he moved into the office and to the sitting area completely stopping his eyes from reaching his ex wife who was finishing a phone call.

"Good morning Mr. Ibrahim" she opened up a folder sitting on stool beside her "My assistant brought me the stocks for our last import and I must say I am not so impressed with the overall performance-"

"-come back to me" Khalil interrupted, his smile finally making its way to his face and when Hidaya refused to look up at him his smile only grew "Hidaya"

"I expect this meeting to be strictly business and I will not tolerate any unprofessionalism. Mr. Ibrahim"

"Is that how much you detest me? You can't even look at me?" When she remained quiet he chuckled "Or are you afraid those feelings are still in there and will come right back if our eyes meet?"

Hidaya drew in a breath " Get out"

"What?" Khalil laughed.

"I said get out. Get out now!" The look on Khalils face was a combination of awe and confusion, he found it hard to believe it was his whole world that was throwing him away. He looked at her and this time when he saw that she was looking at him he stared, deep into her eyes hoping, waiting, praying that he could bring up those feelings that he knew were still in there somewhere but he saw nothing. Her eyes were as cold as she sounded, he could see that there was no love for him and so he took to his heels, buttoning his navy blue suit.

"And the next time you speak to me keep in mind that you're referring to a married woman"


Mahmoud pulled the handbrake of his car bringing it to an instant stop outside the gate of the house he and Khalil shared with a screeching sound. He received a message from his brother which read 'SOS' which meant a lot to him because the last two times he received that kind of message from his brother it was trouble. The first time Khalil had bashed their fathers new car which he snuck out with and the second time his heart was malfunctioning so Mahmoud could only imagine what was wrong this time. He tossed the car key to the security at the gate while running into the compound, up the front porch and into the house.
"Brother" he called out as he searched around the rooms finally finding him in Hidayas old room which was now empty. Khalil laid flat on the floor with his hands placed on his chest and eyes closed which he opened up when he heard his brother come in, Mahmoud squatted down beside his brother "Khalil, whats wrong?"

"She left me"


"My world. My world is shattered, I am nothing without her, my life is worthless without her. Khalil and Hidaya were made for each other and without Hidaya, Khalil must go"

"What? What do you mean by that?" It was when Khalil laughed that Mahmoud perceived a familiar smell mixed in his brothers breath "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un! Brother, what have you done?"

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