9: A Little Misunderstanding

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Thanks for the motivation lovelies 💕💕💕


Immediately Mahmoud left to pick his brother from the hospital I made up my mind to go home. If Khalil wasn't going to tell me the story behind Jalila and Honey then he would have to explain to Uncle Hussaini. I cleaned up my tear stained face and set out to leave, my car wasn't dusty, it was even cleaner than the last time I saw it.

With my bag hanging from my hand which was slumped over my shoulder I knocked on the door, Zainab, a maid at Uncle Hussaini's house opened the door for me. Her face lit up immediately her eyes landed on me.
"Anty Hidaya, you're here" she said carrying an ear to ear grin "Welcome"

"Thank you Zee, how have you been?"

"Fine, how is your new home?"

I sighed "Alhamdulillah" she went back to her work in the kitchen while I went up to Mufidas room, she was in bed with her laptop on her lap, both ears stuffed shut with an earpiece and her full attention on the movie she was watching.

"Salamu'alaikum Alaikum, madam" I waved my hand in her face to get her attention, she pulled out her earpiece and looked up at me.

"What are you doing here?"

"Emm" I pulled off my hijab and started folding it "I'm happy to see you too" I kept the folded hijab on the vanity stool, she scooted to the side so I could sit beside her "Is Daddy home?"

"Yeah, you know he doesn't go to work on Thursday's"

"Well, I need to speak with him. Please let him know I'm here"

"Hidaya" she shut the laptop and shifted it off her legs "Is everything okay?" She caught me off guard and I couldn't stop myself from telling her, when I did she took my hands and gave them a comforting squeeze "No, this all has to be a big misunderstanding. I don't think Khalil is that type of person"

"You can never tell what a person truly is Mufida, sometimes people are not what they seem"

"I would've preferred you talking to Mom about this first but since she's away let me get Daddy" She climbed off the bed, tied her headscarf and walked out.

"He said you should meet him in his room" she said walking back in.

"Okay" I unfolded my hijab and wore it back "Wish me luck" I smiled.

"All is well in sha Allah"


I met daddy seated on a recliner out on the balcony of his room enjoying the cool ten a.m breeze under the shade of a patio umbrella. I said my salam making my presence known to him, he replied and offered me a seat on one of the two cane chairs that were there.

"Good morning Daddy"

"If the morning was good you wouldn't be here Hidaya, tell me. Is he not treating you right?"

"Daddy he-" I gathered enough courage to look up at him "he has a daughter"

"A daughter?" he asked sitting up, he picked up his glasses, wore them and held up his phone tapping onto the screen.
"Amin Wa'alaikumus salam, I want to see you immediately" he put down the phone and took off his glasses, gently placing them on the stool next him.
"A daughter?" he repeated in a low tone "Are you sure about what you're telling me?"

"Yes Daddy" I narrated the whole story to him leaving out the part where I got a deafening hit from the mother of his child an hour ago, Khalil needed to explain but I wasn't going to worsen the case before hearing his side of the story.

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