5: Past Affairs

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So yeah I haven't been seeing comments and its annoying, its killing my vibe.
Please don't be a silent reader, share your comments. Thank you.

😍 Hidaya 😍

I took a deep breath before opening my eyes, I was in bed in my room surrounded by Safina, Hajiya Abu, Aunty Sakina and Mufida. I sat up with the aid of my hands leaning my back on the headboard.

"Easy dear, are you okay?" Hajiya Abu asked coming closer, she sat beside me and placed a palm on my forehead to feel my temperature "I hope you don't have a headache"

"I'm fine" I said a little too soon but as the words left my mouth I felt a headache forming on one side of my head. I groaned raising my hands to hold my head.

"Take this" Safina popped two pills onto my palm "The doctor said it'll help with the headache" She handed me a glass of water and I wasted no time in swallowing the pills, I could see Mufida and Anty Sakina smiling as they watched my in-laws cater for me. Safina managed to convince Hajiya Abu to leave me with my family.

"Hidaya, yaya? Meh ya faru (what happened)?" Anty Sakina sat on the bed next to me with an apologetic smile on her face.

"Its nothing Anty, I felt light headed"

"So soon?" she grinned "Allah sanya Alkhairi" I quickly looked down at my sweaty hands feeling flushed, how could she even insinuate that? Mufida as if reading my mind came to my rescue saying "Don't mind her Hidaya, just take care of yourself" I looked up at her with a fake smile, there was a knock on the door and when it opened Khalil came in being followed by Mahmoud. I almost did a victory dance when Mahmoud shut the door behind him, I was nowhere near being able to handle another encounter with Ibrahim, not today and not anytime soon.

They both squatted before Anty Sakina and forwarded their greetings.
"How is she?" Khalil asked.

"Alhamdulillah, she's better. Mufida lets go" Anty Sakina prayed on me before heading out, I couldn't miss the look my darling Mufida was sending my way. I understood it almost immediately, I had to push back my laugh when she bumped into a chair almost tumbling as her eyes secretly lingered on Mahmoud.

"I'll see you later sis, please take good care of yourself" she hugged me tight and it was truly comforting, the few days I had been away from her made me miss her delicate hugs. They were always mind easing and heartwarming. Mahmoud kept his eyes on her till she was out of sight.

"Our wife-" Mahmoud was cut off by his brother who cleared his throat before saying "My wife brother" I felt my stomach tighten and I wished I didn't hear that, him thinking or even saying it was great but me hearing it was making me all mushy and it was annoying.

"Khalils wife" Mahmoud rolled his eyes "How are you feeling"

"I feel fine"

"Alhamdulillah, don't be sick okay?" I nodded my reply, he smiled and stood up to leave. When he was at the door Khalil stopped him saying "Ask Florence to bring up that soup"


Khalil moved up from the carpeted floor.
"Are you okay?" That was the moment I lost my voice and all I could do was nod.
"No pain?" I slowly shook my head.
"Good" As a questioning silence lingered in the air my eyes traveled down his body, he had changed from his black suit to a blue jean, a blue checkered shirt under a sweater vest.

Corporate, just how I liked it.

The awkward silence was broken by Florence who came in holding a tray which from what I could see was holding a bowl and a glass cup filled with something. She smiled and dropped the tray on the center table in the living area.

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