34: Goodbye 1900's

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" I promise" she sobbed taking a few steps back, Musa took deep breaths moving further away from where she stood "Go then, you're free from this marriage" she had turned to walk away but stopped in her tracks and turned back to meet him still watching her every move.

"I love you yaya. Thank you"


Abbas health only deteriorated following the mysterious travel of his son which he never returned from, they had received a letter later that year.

Dear mother and father
I never wished for this to happen neither have I ever wanted to break your hearts but mine has been shattered and I am afraid there is nothing left for me in Yakoba. Mariyah is gone, so I will remain here and hopefully get a shot at a new life. I have kept for you what is left of my savings in a bag under the bed. My love to my sister, I will miss her troubles.

Musa G. G.

Yelwa had grown irritated listening to the boy she had asked to read and translate the letter to her, she had seized the paper and yelled at him to leave as she placed both hands on-top her head with the paper still in hand.
'I am finished' she had mumbled in fulfulde, remembering her husbands deteriorating health weakened her. How would she begin to tell him that his son and daughter-in-law had left home never to return?

Two years later Abba died when he found his daughter crying outside his house with her three children -ages five, three and one- she had explained how Turakis new wife did something, she didn't know what but she was sure the woman did something. Abbas heart couldn't take it and so it stopped. Yelwa was left alone with three grandchildren and a pregnant daughter. Life turned sour for Ladidi, her mother had become bitter resulting to violence even against her grandchildren when she didn't feel so good. Abbas house was like a prison, no one enjoyed living there anymore and no one could get out.


Mariyah smoothened her gown on her legs seeing a familiar view come into sight, she took deep breaths squeezing the child she carried closer to her bosom gulping down nervously.
"Are you sure this was a good idea?" She bit her lower lip blinking severally.

"Of course Mareeya,your family is very important" When the car came to a stop Mariyah could swear her own heart stopped, she had continuously played different scenarios in her head. She could see Abba forgiving her -he would be happy she came home- but Yelwa could skin her alive, she was having second thoughts about not going to see her sister first. Entering home gave Mariyah the greatest shock of her life, while she was happy when she came across three beautiful girls -she believed they were her sisters children, they had Ladidis silent eyes- she wondered why the house was so quiet, she had expected Yelwa to be sending out orders since it was time to cook dinner.
"Hatoi (where is) Yelwa?" Mariyah asked the older girl who responded by pointing towards Abbas room "And your mother? Please call her out" the twelve year old nodded and sprinted towards Mariyah and Ladidis old room.

"Dada you have a visitor" Ladidi narrowed her eyes at the girl "I am in no mood for your jokes this evening Farida, leave this place" she scolded as she went back to her knitting.

"I am serious Dada, its a woman with a little girl like Sam-sam" Ladidi again glared at her first daughter letting her know with her eyes that she would pounce on her if what she was saying was not true, she stood up from the recliner.

Yelwa continuously tapped her foot on the ground as her eyes traveled from her daughter who still had water dripping down the side of her face -Mariyah had sprinkled some to revive her- and the girl she thought she'd never see again. Mariyah knew she was in trouble the instant she saw the look on Yelwas face but she also couldn't believe it had been eight years since she left home. Yelwa thoroughly looked at the child standing behind Mariyah and from the girls looks she hoped her thoughts were wrong.
"Whose child is this?" Was the first thing she said since the gathering started.

"She is mine, my beautiful beautiful Mamma. I have named her after my late mother" hearing Mariyahs reply made Yelwa scoff in an emotion between annoyance and awe, while she was angry at Mariyah the little girl looked adorable in her pink princess gown, knee length stockings and matching pink cover shoes. Yelwa stretched out a hand inviting the girl to come to her.
"Go on Mamma, go to grandma" said Mariyah, the girl obliged and ran to Yelwa who almost immediately started playing with her hair.

"Yelwa ha-hatoi (where is) yaya?" Mariyah asked causing Yelwa and Ladidi to share confused glances.
The excitement on Yelwas face died down when she realized her son hadn't come home and the little girl on her laps couldn't be her blood, she had recalled the letter -Musa did say Mariyah was gone-.
"You mean you don't know where my son is? I thought you would- my husband died for this!"

Mariyahs hands immediately flew to her chest as she exclaimed "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihir raju'un! Abba is dead?!"

"Yes Mariyah" Ladidi finally said " Abba died two years after you left us, after you chose your selfish desires over our families happiness, after my sweet torture of a marriage ended. He died after YOU betrayed his trust, sister"

"Whose child is this?" Yelwa asked looking away, she was on the verge of breaking down and prayed her assumption was wrong, she prayed her husbands niece had not forgotten the training of her mother. And when Mariyah told her whose child it was, that she was the daughter of an assistant lecturer who saw her at her lowest and picked her up; who managed to see the good in her even when she started having regrets, who chose her at the time when she had no one else.

The discussion ended in tears, Yelwa in a fit of rage swore to disown Ladidi if she ever had anything to do with her cousin and so Mariyah took her little family away with the promise of never returning.

xoxo hairanumar

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