4: The precious gem

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I was showered, dressed and blindly looking at a wall for almost an hour now, I was never one to worry much but the thought of my husband with someone else disturbed me. I couldn't get the sight of him driving off into the night out of my head.

Florence knocked on the door and walked in.
"Good morning ma, Mr. Mahmoud says you'll be having breakfast together downstairs"

"What?" I turned my attention to her, I heard something about Mahmoud but the rest was just blank. She repeated herself making me give her an absent 'O'. I couldn't refuse, it would be rude.

"I'll be down in a minute" She nodded and left. I looked down at what I was wearing and groaned in frustration, I had to change. I dragged myself to my closet and took out a silver and blue brocade gown quickly changed and wrapped myself in a matching blue veil.

Downstairs, Mahmoud was already seated waiting for me. I met his smiling face looking up at me, though he looked exactly like his brother Mahmoud he was thicker and built.
"Our wife"

"Good morning" I smiled taking a seat adjacent to him.

"Good morning, I was almost about to eat without you" he said, the rude maid from the other day served us and left. I was happy to see fries and just how I liked them, with a sausage, baked beans, a sun fried egg and some ketchup. Mine with a cup of green tea and his with a cup of coffee.
"I must apologize for the other day, I had no idea that was you" I quickly recalled the day someone bumped into me close to the staircase, it was him. I knew Khalil wouldn't just leave like that but again, what do I know. "I was running late for a meeting please forgive my manners"

"It okay" Once the air was cleared I felt more comfortable being in the presence of Mahmoud, he was very nice, not too chatty and from what I had picked a little witty.

"Do you have a sister? Please tell me you have a sister"

I couldn't help laughing "No I don't have a sister, why?"

"Bummer" he faked a sad face "I was hoping I'd get a call from Dad telling me to get ready for my own wedding"

"Too bad"

"But I met with a lady in the parking area a few days ago, she said she was your sister"

My heart warmed up immediately hearing what he said, it must have been Kamila and knowing she referred to me as a sister made me happy.
"That was Kamila, she's my cousin"

"Oh" he slowly nodded "But you do have brothers?" I shook my head.
"You must have had a very boring childhood, I can't imagine being an only child"

"Actually Kamila and I kind of grew up together, her mom passed away when she was born so my mom raised her" He unconsciously nodded, I could see he was trying to process the story.

"And I'm sorry about your own parents, I met your dad a few times. Great guy" I gave him a smile "May they rest in Jannah"

"Ameen" we finished breakfast right before Khalil joined us in the dining room.

"Wow you're down for breakfast today" I couldn't miss the bright smile on his face, just like that of a child greeted with a funfair in the morning.

"You're welcome" Mahmoud smirked.

"Good morning" Khalil greeted, pulling out a chair beside me, I sent a forced smile his way "Good morning brother" he added as he sat down. The rude maid came up with a big smile on her face.

"Good morning sir, how was your night?" She asked as she served Khalil, "Good morning" he replied, our eyes met and she sent me a sour look before huffing back down the stairs. I kept my eyes focused on the silver pattern of my brocade avoiding Khalils gaze which I could feel on me.
"Hajiyas flight is by 12a.m, can you stay up late?" Khalil asked.

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