38: Restoring Hidaya

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Anty Sakina sat down beside her husband "Haba Hussaini see how you're crying in front of the children" she whispered but that only seemed to elevate his cries which in turn made her laugh whilst clapping her hands together. Anty Sakina wondered what was wrong with her husband, she knew he was soft but never in front of the children.

Daddy didn't even want to stop, he was so happy that the only way he deemed fit to express his delight was by crying, he didn't care that all the people that respected him were watching. They were family and they would remain so through the good and the bad. The children managed to convince Daddy to go up to his room with his wife before they took Hidaya up to the room she shared with Mufida.

"I have to call him"

"Don't, I have a better idea" Kamila said "Ya Amir, you have his number right?" She asked, getting a nod from him in response "We have work to do"

Her idea was brilliant, difficult but definitely brilliant. Mufida, Ya Amir and even Hidaya agreed with her almost immediately and so they set out on their little mission to restore their cousins broken home.

Khalil got a call from his brother letting him know that Jalila was found and she had been brought to their fathers residence. While Khalil was still angry at her he was glad she was safe, even if for her daughter so he went down to the house to make sure everything was truly okay so he could really move on with his life and be happy with his wife if she agreed to come back to him. At the Danmalikis abuja residence, Khalil was surprised to meet his uncle and his wife.

The meeting was brief with all the members expressing their disbelief and disappointment in Anty for misleading her daughter and practicing shirk. She eventually became apologetic, crying here and there gaining a lot of scowls from the occupants of the living room they all sat in. It was then established that she was truly sorry and would mend her ways after thoroughly apologizing to Khalil.
"Please, please ask my daughter Hidaya to forgive me" she sobbed "I was blinded by my aim, I would never do anything to hurt you both. I consider you all to be my children, please forgive me. I do not even know how to face Hidaya, perhaps I will never be able to do so but please I beg you all to forgive me"

Hajiya Abu tutted rolling her eyes as she adjusted her seating position. It was a good evening for her, she was pleased to receive a text from her daughter in-law earlier which explained the smile she carried since then.

I'm coming home - it read. She prayed two raka'ats immediately, crying in her sujood as she thanked God for giving her victory over her evil wishers. It was a good evening for her. She remembered her last conversation with Hidaya, it began and ended with the talk of doughnuts and since it was only a week ago Hajiya Abu made sure she sent Khalil home with a box filled with doughnuts. On getting home Khalil sensed a difference in the vibe his workers greeted him with, while it was normal for them to smile and welcome him home something was different. It was as if they were excited to see him return, like they had been waiting all day for him. He took it as a sign and gave them all a tip before jogging up to the front door.

Khalil smiled on seeing a portrait of Hidaya hanging on one wall of the corridor leading to the stairs, he stopped in his tracks and again looked at the picture slightly tilting his head. That photo was removed four months ago when his wife moved out, he had gotten used to seeing it every time he entered their home and again he was forced to learn to live without it. Seeing it there made him wonder if his wild thoughts were coming to life, tightening te grip on the box he held Khalil ran through the corridor and up the stairs to the first floor stopping right in front of her room. He swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat giving himself time to breathe properly.

When Khalil opened the door and saw the room perfectly furnished the box in his hand fell to the ground, he walked inside scanning with his eyes waiting to see her. He could perceive her scent, a lone tear cascaded down his cheek when his eyes landed on Hidaya, walking out of the closet wrapped up in a Kimono glowing like a newly found pearl. He fell to the ground in sujood, when he stood back up She smiled at him and something inside Khalil tried so hard to fight back his tears but it had failed, by the time he got to where she was standing he was sobbing uncontrollably. Khalil held his wife's face looking deep into her eyes and when he was sure it was really her he pulled her close hugging her with all his strength and she couldn't complain, she loved being in his hold. Khalil didn't let go until he became weak, he pulled away still trying to stop himself from crying but seeing her face again made him realize she was back and she had returned to him. Khalil fell to the ground crying, if he didn't get a pacemaker put in his chest his heart would've given him away with all the emotions he was feeling. Hidaya went down with him this time pulling him closer she held both his hands.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry my love" her own tears began to flow "I should've known better than to doubt you, I gave up too easily, please forgive me" Khalils head hung low as he refused to look at her, how could she apologize when it was clearly no ones fault? The events of the past few months were inevitable, it was a test and they passed it. Hidaya placed one of his hands on her abdomen covering it with hers, she used her free hand to lift his chin up making him look at her and she smiled causing more tears to fall from her eyes. Khalil withdrew his hand immediately, he stood up and faced the other way biting on his arm to suppress his scream.

It was overwhelming, first his wife was back and she was carrying his very own child, flesh and blood. He felt her hands on him as she hugged him from behind slowly turning him around to face her. Khalil told himself he was done crying, when their eyes met a second time he wiped away all her tears and held her face blinking a few times to make sure it wasn't a dream. He smiled down at her tilting his head back to push back the tears that were beginning to form again, he placed a subtle kiss on her forehead before engulfing her into another hug. Everything was going to be fine after all.


Mahmoud paced his office grumbling a few cuss words as he called his brothers phone for the umpteenth time. It was ten a.m and he was getting angry, he had called Hidayas secretary earlier on to ask if she had left her office already but was informed she didn't come into work at all. Mahmoud took a deep breath to suppress his growing frustration and dialed his brothers number again, this time he picked.

"What the hell man? This meeting was supposed to start an hour ago" he tried reducing his voice to a whisper but it was clear he was yelling.

Hidaya smiled "Hello Mahmoud" her smile grew when she didn't hear him talk "Are you there?"

Mahmouds eyes were wide as saucers, he felt embarrassed "oh emm-uh" he stuttered, quickly shaking his head to arrange his thoughts "Wait, what? Hidaya?! You're at our house-I mean errm your house? Like right now?"

"Yes" she giggled

"Oh my God" Mahmoud jumped up using his phone as an air guitar, he landed with a thud as he swung his body in all directions doing a little happy dance. When his eyes landed on the three men seated in his office he stood upright straightening his suit "Bye" he whispered into his phone, Mahmoud cleared his throat and walked towards the sitting area with a straight face.

"I'm afraid we have to postpone this meeting, my brother is unwell" Mahmoud cringed on the inside when he heard the lame excuse that he gave, it was so bad he had disappointed himself. The three grown men exchanged glances, one of them who couldn't keep his confusion to himself spoke.

"Your brother is ill?"


"I'm sorry but whatever silly display you just did there looked more like a celebration to me" he looked around to see if the other two agreed with him and when they nodded he looked back at Mahmoud who was already massaging his temples, they just wouldn't understand.

Mahmoud sighed "It is a personal family affair, okay? I am sure you all understand as you all are family men" he said sternly "We will come to you when everything has been sorted out, I apologize for the inconveniences caused and your time" he was glad when they left, he had time to breathe and really enjoy the news. His brother was going to be fine again. Mahmoud loosened his tie throwing his head back in a fit of laughter, he laughed; heartily.

xoxo Hairan Umar

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