26: Two Red Lines!

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So here's an update

Ya Amir stroked his chin pretending to be in deep thought "Okay, how about Macaroni and cheese? You love macaroni and cheese"

She shook her head "Not today Ya Amir, but chicken salad sounds nice" Ya Amir clapped his hands together "Perfect" he said "Chicken Salad it is. He looked up at the waiter smiling "She'll have the chicken salad with a dash of hot sauce and I'll have the chefs choice"

"Would you like anything to drink?" The waiter asked picking up their menus from the table. Ya Amir nodded towards Hidaya "I'll just have some more water" she said. The waiter gave them a programmed smile and walked away leaving them in a moment of silence that lasted for too long.

"What is it?" Ya Amir asked folding his arms across his chest causing his sleeves to tighten around his biceps, she shook her head sending a forced smile his way.
"Come on talk to me kinsan ina duka" he winked turning her smile into a real one. He had chosen to take her out just so she would stop thinking about her ex husband for a minute but clearly his plan wasn't working.

After lunch they stopped by An-Noor mosque in Wuse to say their afternoon prayer after which Ya Amir continued on his mission to brighten up his cousins day. He kept Hidaya in suspense refusing to answer any of her questions regarding where they were going and only turned to smile at her when they reached the gates of Cenral Park.

"Go karting" Hidayas eyes balled out in excitement "I've always wanted to try"

"Well today is your lucky day" He smiled pulling her towards the waiting area.


Khalil rested both arms on his legs squeezing the ball he held he nodded while his mind wandered off. It had been a while since he had a conversation with anyone without drifting away into his thoughts, but his thoughts were scattered and every time he tried to rearrange them he ended up messing them up even some more.

He laid back on the chair he sat on stretching out his legs he rubbed his palms together.
"I told you" he said smiling to himself "I love her more than life itself"

The therapist sighed scribbling down in her notepad, she flipped the pages back and through the two month session she read the same sentence with the same exact words.

"We're making progress" she smiled acknowledging his change of words "Is this why you still haven't moved on?"

Khalil looked up at the ceiling slowly shaking his head "I have, I don't see her in my dreams anymore." He sat upright giving her a weary smile "Ms. Therapist-"

"-Latoya" she corrected.

"Ms. Therapist" he continued "when will I stop meeting with you?" he asked running his tongue over his lower lip.

"When you stop referring to me as Ms. Therapist" she said crossing one leg over the other. Khalil chuckled lowly hearing the beep on his watch signifying that it was time to go he lazily pushed himself up and waved at Latoya, she tilted her head sideways surprised. They were really making progress since he didn't just walk away without saying a thing.

"Remember" she called out to him "Sunday at eight" he stopped midway lifting his hand up and gave her thumbs up without turning around. Latoya smiled when he left as she continued to go through her notepad, while the medical results showed no sign of mental disorder or drugs in his system, mad was the right word for that client of hers.

He was madly in love with his ex-wife but for the first week she met with him all he said was 'I'm sorry, but I can't take her back' she almost thought he was programmed. Only one other client was more messed up than him and that person used to be on drugs. She released a breath dropping the notepad she held to pick another one, it was time for her next appointment.

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