Chapter 8

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So morning came and Harry was still hugging me, his face nuzzled into my neck. I looked at the clock and it was barely 6 in the morning. I got up slowly so I wouldn't wake him, luckily he didn't, and got my clothes to take a shower. I went into the bathroom and put the water on. I started undressing myself until I was fully undressed then the worst thing happened to me. Harry walked in.

"AHH!" I screamed as I grabbed the towel and he covered his eyes.

"Can I help you Harry?" I asked as he cleared his throat.

"Ummm... I need to take a wiz... Can you please get in the shower so I can pee in peace?" He said as I hopped in the shower. The warm water hit my skin as I placed my head on the wall.

"You're beautiful you know..." I heard Harry say as my head shot up. I was looking at him dead in the eyes then I realized he was naked too.

"Ummm... Harry... What are you doing?" I stuttered out but he silenced me and hopped in.

"I wanna save water Meg. Do you mind?" He said as I shook my head and he smiled. I finished washing myself when I feel his arms come around my waist. He turned me around as he pulled me closer.

"My hearts a stereo

It beats for you so listen close

Hear my thought in every note

Make me your radio

And turn me up when you feel low

This melody is meant for you

So sing along to my stereo." He sang before he started kissing my neck.

"Harry. Stop." I said trying to push him off but he bit my arm instead.

"AAAAAAHHHHH! LIAM!" I screamed before Liam came rushing in with Ashton. I started losing consciousness by the time they took him off. I fell to the ground and passed out.


I woke up at the sound of Jessie's singing which was so peaceful, I love her voice.

"She's saying that's okay

Hey baby do what you please

I have the stuff that you want

I am the thing that you need

She looked me deep in the eyes

She's touchin' me so to start

She says there's no turnin' back

She trapped me in her heart." She sang Dirty Diana by Michael Jackson as I laughed. She loves his music and would do anything to see him in concert. She looked at me with a smile.

"So did you and Harry... You know?" She said as I shook my head.

"He didn't feel anything... He was just hungry is all... How long?" I asked, she got our clothes out.

"About half an hour. Yesterday you died you know. And today too... Why do you die?" She asked, I shrugged and got up.

She handed me my clothes as I locked the front door. I looked at myself in the mirror to examine the bite and it was purplish. I looked at my stomach and waist and there were bruises and cuts on them. Jess furrowed her eyebrows and walked over to look at them.

"If he does this to you one more time, I swear I'm gonna-"

"This isn't going to happen again because I'm not going to be naïve. Are we going to be matching?" I asked as she nodded and smiled.

~later that day~

"Hey Megan... Can we talk?" Harry asked as I nodded, not even wanting to agree. He pulled me to a corner. We were at a candy store.

"I'm sorry about this morning... I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked as I shook my head, not wanting him to know about the bruises.

"I did Meg... Let me see." He said. I lifted my shirt up as he examined my stomach.

"I'm so sorry... I should go." He said before he left. I looked back and I saw Liam coming my way, I quickly pulled my shirt down but was a tad too late.

"What's this?" He asked, lifting my shirt up.

"Did Harry do this to you?! Where is he?!" He snapped.

"Liam it was an accident. It's not his fault that he was hungry." I tried to explain as he pushed me aside and went towards Harry.

"Liam stop!" I pleaded.

"Harry! What the fuck is your problem?! Do you think that just because my sister likes you, you have the right to hurt her?!" He said as Harry and him stepped outside, followed by the other lads and I.

"I didn't mean it Liam! If I could I would take it back but I can't!" He said before Liam swung, hitting him right on the mouth. Niall and Louis helped Harry up as Ashton, Luke and Zayn pushed Liam away.

"Liam! Lets go home! Now!" I screamed as he looked at me with sorrow filled eyes.

He nodded and Jess, Ashton, Luke, Ella and Calum came with us to the car. Ashton ended up driving. We got to Calum's hotel room and I slammed the door behind me once everyone was in.

"What do you want Megan?! Huh?! He has no fucking right to hurt you like that!" He said getting up and pushing me to the wall.

"Who are you Liam! Ask yourself that because last time I checked you said and promised you would never hurt me!" I screamed as I looked down at my arm.

He had picked up a knife on the way to me. He dropped it in shock as I left. I could hear him changing and screaming as Calum tried cooling him down. I got to my room with Jess and Ella in the restroom trying to find a bandage and alcohol. I lied down on my bed and started to cry as Niall, Jess and Ella walked in. Jess and Ella picked up my arm and poured alcohol on it.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I squeezed Niall's arm. Harry was banging on the door because he wanted to get in. Jess cleaned the wound as Ella held my hand and looked at my body. Niall looked confused so I told him.

"Taylor cursed me too. She gave me the ability to see peoples hearts and bones so I know if something is broken and such. If someone else grabs my hand they can see what I see... AAAAHHH!" I screamed the last part as Jess poured more alcohol on it. Harry finally got his room key and opened the door.

"What happened?" He asked as he examined my arm. I looked at Niall's heart and there was light in it.

"Niall grab my hand and look at AAAAHHH..." I screamed as Jess poured more alcohol on my arm.

"Your heart then at Harry's." I said as he followed.

"You guys have pitch black hearts but you have light in yours Niall so you are getting to know love." I rushed to get out before another scream came out as Jess wrapped the bandage, Harry put pressure on it. After wrapping me up I felt dizzy. Jess didn't want me to pass out so she picked me up with Niall's help and they took me outside.

"Thanks guys but I think I'm gonna pass out now." I said as we all laughed.

Liam came in the middle of the night to tell me he was sorry and I accepted his apology then lied down next to Harry. I checked my phone for new messages and I had one.

'Hey babydoll We are running a little late so we are gonna get there tomorrow. Biee ~Paisley'

I smiled as Harry snored next to me. I kissed his head and fell asleep.

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