Chapter 30

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We walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Two puppies came in, chasing each other around the room.

"That's Yin and Yang." Mel said, sitting next to me.

"Which one's Yin?" I asked, she pointed to the lighter puppy.

"And Yang?" I asked, she pointed to the darker puppy. I sat on the floor, Yang coming towards me and lightly bit my hand.

"Shut up Tommo before I rip your head off!" We shot our heads towards the stairs and Niall was the one who screamed it.

"Niall are you-" Mel started before the front door opened.

"We're home!" Ashton screamed, Jess, Ella and Luke behind.

"Hey guys. Just put the stuff on the table." Niall instructs.

"We are having a cook out." He said, a smile on his face. I walked over to him and pulled him to the side.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"I don't need to. But you do." He said, motioning to my wrists that were bleeding. He took me up to his room and we sat on the bed.

"Why?" He asked, sadness in his eyes.

"'Cause of people at school, the media, Harry, Liam, my life." I said.

"Stop Megan. You are a beautiful girl. You will just ruin yourself. I don't understand why you do it." He said, his voice getting louder towards the end.

"There is nothing to understand Niall." I say, getting a bit uneasy.

"You know how everyone has something to get their mind off things. Like Zayn's is smoking, your's is eating, Liam's is working out. Mine was just the one where I starve and cut myself. It's not that I don't want to stop. It's that I can't stop. You always have something to resort to when you're disappointed, sad, angry, worried." I said, taking a breath.

"The fact is that I cut because I have to release my inner pain. Even if it means hurting my outer features. I've told you many times and the others that I don't accept myself and that's part of the reason why I cut. The taunting, the bullying, the hitting, the beating, the drinking. All end up with me cutting and/or starving myself. My conscience is the one telling me worse stuff about myself and I break." I said, a wave of relief hitting me.

"Why did you even start again Niall?!" I snapped.

"Because you're not here! Because I don't have anyone to confide in anymore! The boys are putting all this pressure on me because I was the one who let you leave without stopping you! I would've stopped you but I thought it would be the best thing for you! I didn't know you were gonna end up doing this! You hurt us more than you think when you cut! Harry most of all because he does love you! It's his heart that needs a little more pushing! Why do you think Louis and I got into an argument?! Because everyone is falling apart and they are blaming it on me! The girls don't blame me but the boys do! Stop putting our mistakes in your mind and blaming it on yourself!" He screamed.

"Clearly they aren't mistakes because people are supposed to learn from them! Liam and Harry keep doing the same exact thing and I'm the one getting blamed for it and accepting their apologies when deep down inside I know they will do it again!" I screamed back.

"But the majority of the time they make a mistake is trying to protect you!"

"So Liam beating me is supposed to be good?! Because I didn't do anything to get beat! Harry cheating on me with Taylor is him protecting me?! How many times have you seen Liam and Harry do something that didn't end up in an argument with someone or me?!" He stayed quiet.

"None huh?! They don't learn from their mistakes! That's why I didn't go back to Harry even though I want to! I think I'm leaving now." I said and walked out the door. There was screaming and stuff being thrown in Niall's room.

Must've turned. You bitch. You hurt the guy you can relate to. You should add more to your wrist. Maybe that will teach you a lesson.

"Hey Meg, can I talk to you?" I heard Harry say.

He's gonna tell you he loves Taylor and not you. I wonder why. Oh that's right. Because she's prettier and skinnier. Maybe you should starve yourself while you're at it.

"No because it'll only end up with more of these." I said, showing my now uncovered wrists to him. I walked out and ran to the bar.

"Megan! Stop! You're not thinking clearly! Lets talk about it!" Harry screamed from behind me. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I tried getting out.

"Calm down love." I heard him say. I started punching him but he turned me to face him.

"Calm down." He said. He leaned in and placed his lips on mine, loosening his grip. I slapped him hard.

"You made me cut Harry! You're making me lose my mind because I still love you but you will never love me!" I screamed and ran to the bar.

"Catherine." I said softly, on the verge of tears.

"Which one?" She asked, motioning behind her.

"Which ever one makes me forget my pain and the urge to cut." I said. She nodded and gave me 5 shot glasses before filling them up. The door opened.

"Hello Harry." She said. He walked over and sat next to me.

"Stop Megan." He said, I took a shot.

Keep going. He doesn't care. He just wants you to stop drinking and start cutting.

"Megan." He said, I took my second one.

"Leave me alone." I said before taking my third one.

"What is this?" I asked Catherine.

"A mix of all the strong ones. It's kicking in huh?" She asked and I nodded. I took my fourth one and sighed.

"If you drink that last one I will get Liam on you." He said. I was about to take it but he picked me up over his shoulder and took me outside.

"Liam doesn't care about me! No one does! Do you really think he would have beat me if he cared?!" I asked, pushing him away once I was on the ground again.

"He cried this whole week because of what he did!" He said.

"Why don't you open your eyes for once and notice that everyone is worried sick because you aren't with us anymore!" He said. I clenched my fists to the point where my knuckles were white.

"Don't you think I miss being with you guys?! I have cut myself so many times because I don't have anyone to talk to! I think of all the times you guys hurt me or you broke me! My mind keeps taunting me and making me starve and cut! Just leave me alone before it convinces me to kill myself." I said. I started walking back to the house but he picked me up and ran somewhere else.

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