Chapter 20

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*bang bang*

"Megan wake up! Meg!" I heard Harry scream as he put my brace on my leg.

I opened my eyes and it was red and it smelled like smoke. I shot up and tried to move but my foot go caught in between the bed and the wall. I grabbed my glasses but Harry was already out the door and I'm guessing everyone else was out too.

"HELP! HARRY! *cough cough* NIALL! *cough cough* ZAYN! LIAM! *cough cough* JESS! RILEY! *cough cough* ALEX! PERRIE! *cough cough* HELP!" I screamed as I tried getting out.

The flames went up higher and higher and were on my bed. Someone came from behind me and pulled me out as he carried me downstairs. I took in his features and it was Liam. His heart was fully pink.

"I got her!" He yelled as we got to the yard. He lied me down on the grass as I gasped for air. Calum came and sprinkled ice over me but I still felt like I was boiling.

"Move!" I heard Harry sceam as he came towards us and he picked me up.

He started running with Zayn right behind him in his wolf form and we went towards the lake. Calum was running in front of us and cooled the water before Harry divided in with me in his arms.

"You okay?" He said once we came up and I nodded.

"What happened? How did the fire start? Wait, how are the girls and I gonna get what we had before? We have nothing now and that also means we have to work double the hours we already do and-" I started but he kissed me and we ran back to everyone.

~After the fire~

"Why?" I asked Liam as I touched the burnt walls.

"I lost my temper... I'm sorry Meg... I'll pay for everything I swear." He said as I shook my head.

"I bought everything in this house after about 5 years of working. I'm not letting anyone get me anything." I said as we walked out.

"You guys can spend the night at my house." Niall said. We thanked him and left to the house.

"Hello Maura." Harry said as I punched his side.

"Ouchie." He said.

"Hello Mrs. Gallagher. How are you?" I asked as I hugged her.

"I have been good sweetie but like Harry said it's Maura. What are you kids doing here?" She asked as we sat on the living room couch.

"Well... Megan's house burnt down and the girls need somewhere to stay. It's just Megan, Jess and Ella... Can they stay? Oh, and Melodie, Ashton, Harry, Liam and Luke wanted to stay too. They can stay in my room." Niall said as she nodded.

"You kids look hungry. Who wants some Chinese food? Niall can you help me sweetie?" Maura asked as we all nodded.

"We can help you Mrs. Maura." I suggested as she nodded. We got the food ready as the boys set the table.

"So how did the fire start? Was it because of Liam?" Maura asked as Niall nodded.

"Does she know? About-" I asked Harry as he nodded.

"Yes, he lost his temper and Calum tried cooling him down but he got madder..." Luke said as he stuffed his mouth with noodles.

"Why was he mad?" I asked as all the boys stopped eating and stared at me.


"Because he thought Harry tried to bite you again..." Ashton said as I looked at Harry.

"Why did he think-"

"When you fell asleep I wasn't tired so I got up. I stuck my fangs out to see how sharp they were then I remembered that I left you a mark so I checked it. Liam came in and thought I bit you so he threw me down the stairs. I got up and tried to explain but he started throwing punches then Calum tried to cool him off and that's when he blazed up. Once all the girls were out you were the one that we didn't see so he wanted to get you." Harry said. I picked up everyones plates and started to wash them. I finished and found everyone waiting for me.

"Good night Mrs. Maura." I said as we went upstairs.

"Hey Niall it's really sweet of you for letting me stay but I can just-" I started until Harry cut me off.

"Stay at my place. My mum loves her and she hasn't seen Megan in about a year or so. Come on." He said. Liam stared at him as Harry dragged me out the door.

"But I saw your mum 2 months ago..." I said as he dragged me down the stairs.

"I know but I want you to stay at my place from now on. Until you get a new one. And I'll work so I can help you." He said before I bumped into Mrs. Maura and fell.

"I'm sorry ma'am." I said as she smiled and helped me up.

"When did you get that brace of yours sweetie? And those scares? How?" She asked as I sighed and chuckled.

"The scares were from when I fell and stabbed myself about a year ago and the leg brace from falling off a tree about 2 months ago..." I said as she nodded and we left.

"You excited to see my room? It's been a while since you've seen it." He said, grabbing my hand once we were in the car. I nodded with a smile. I looked down and my heart was still 50% but I was hoping it was 100 again.

"How has she been? How has Gem been?" I asked, trying to get my mind off of my percentage.

"They have been great... They miss you... Especially Gem." He said with a smile as we pulled up to the house.

"I don't want to be rude and sleep there when I haven't seen her." I said as he dragged me out of the car.

"I don't even have clothes. What am I supposed to do? Go around the house in my bra and underwear?" I said. He look at me up and down with a smirk.

"She won't mind because she loves you and you can borrow a bra and underwear from Gem and clothes from me." He said as we entered the house.

"Hello Harry. Hello Megan." I heard Anne say before she hugged us.

"MEGAN! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Gemma screamed as she pushed Harry out of the way and hugged me.

"Love you too Gem." Harry mumbled as I laughed.

"What brings you two here?" Anne asked as Harry explained and asked if I could stay.

"Of course you can sweetie. But you two better sleep because you look tired." She said as we went upstairs and Gem handed me my girl things.

"So do you have some sweats and a hoodie?" I asked Harry as he nodded and handed me his sweats and hoodie.

"These won't fit me." I said as he shrugged and I started heading for the restroom but he stopped me.

"Why don't you like changing in front of me?" He asked as I sighed.

"Cause I don't like my body... I feel like I can be better than what I am..." I said as he pulled me to the foot of the bed. He lifted my shirt up as he pulled his off too. He then made me take my shorts off as he pushed me to the mirror.

"Meg... You're beautiful... And I hate it when you don't think so..." He said as he handed me the sweats and hoodie.

"Well it's not my fault I hate myself." I said as I snatched the clothes and slipped them on. I sat on the edge of bed as I felt him lie down behind me.

"You shouldn't. The guys who bullied you actually like you. And the girls are jealous. They told me." He said.

I looked back at him. He sat up and kissed me. He lied down as I straddled and he grabbed my bum. His tongue was wandering my mouth as he lifted the hoodie slowly. I felt kind of nervous but his heart turned a little bit pinker. He pulled the hoodie off all the way and took his shorts off, taking mine off after. He flipped us over and straddled. He flicked my forehead as I pushed him off.

"Ow! You butt." I said as he smiled and pecked my lips once more.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I said as I slipped the hoodie and sweats on and took my brace off.

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