Chapter 32

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I woke up with Harry still wrapped around me, softly snoring. I got up and went to the restroom.

"Megan?!" Harry screamed. I ran out of the restroom and into the room.

"Okay, you aren't gone. You wanna cuddle some more though?" He asked with a pouty face.

"You'll have to find me first." I said before running downstairs. I hid in one of the cabinets in the kitchen.

"Where are you?" He said.

'Cause I'm gonna answer right? I rolled my eyes.

"I'm gonna find you and cuddle with you." He said, his voice closer. His foot steps stopped in front of the cabinet I was in.

"I found you." He said and opened the cabinet. I ran out and tried excaping but he caught my waist before I could get out of the kitchen.

"Let go! I have the right to kick you!" I screamed, he laughed.

"What's so funny Styles?" I questioned.

"The fact that you think you can kick me with those short legs." He said, laughing some more.

"At least I can kick." I said before kicking him.

"Ouchie!" He yelped. I laughed and he dropped me to the floor.

"Ouchie? And you say you're mature." I said. He picked me up again and walked over to the couch. He lied down and placed me on his chest.

"You're not forgiven Styles." I said.

"Will a kiss convince you some more?" He asked. Before I could answer his lips are latched onto mine.

"What are we doing today Styles?" I asked him. He sat up and made me sit with my stomach on his.

"We are having a cook out because the others didn't do it yesterday. They wanted everyone there." He said.

"Why are you still wet?" He asked, motioning my clothes.

"'Cause I didn't take it off yesterday like you did. Remember? I'm self conscience." I said, he frowned and nuzzled his face into my neck. He left a trail of kisses before biting me slightly.

"You need to eat." I said.

"I know... There should be a lady who can make a substitute because I'm out." He said muffledly into my neck, leaving goose bumps.

"Just bite the same place you bit my arm last time." I said. He froze in the middle of a kiss.

"No. No. No. I'm not putting you through that pain again. I saw it in your eyes." He said.

"Can I see your fangs?" I asked.

He sighed and stuck them out. I kissed him once more before placing his mouth on my arm. I flinched at the contact but got used to it after a few seconds.

"Why did you do that?" He asked once he was done a few minutes later. He stuck his fangs back and cleaned his mouth.

"You were hungry. I'm here. That's it." I said before kissing him once more. We got up and left to his house.

"Hello?" He asked once we stepped into his house. We looked around and Niall was asleep with Melodie on him, Zayn and Perrie the same on a separate couch.

"Hey." Melodie said before getting up, Perrie following.

"Who's here?" I asked.

"Just us, Jess and Ashton. The others left to their houses. I hear there are presents for us from Alex?" Perrie said. I forgot to get them last week.

"I'll go get them." I said before grabbing my skateboard.

"I'm coming too." Harry said, grabbing his. We skated to my dad's house and walked inside.

"Morning lovely." Sophia said.

"What's this?" She said, pointing to the wounds on my arm.

"I'll explain but go get the presents." Harry said. I ran up the stairs and bumped into something on the way up, making my glasses fall.

"Sorry." He said. I patted around to look for my glasses but he handed them to me.

"I'm sorry for beating you." He said.

"You could have given me flowers." I mumbled before going into Alex's room. There were 4 big bags with presents in them.

"I can carry two. Oh and we are having our cook out today at 5 so tell the others, other than Jess, Ashton, Niall, Melodie, Zayn and Perrie." Harry finished off. We left and arrived at the house a few minutes later.

"When can we open them?" Mel asked once we walked in.

"Christmas!" We heard Niall say.

"Yup... No peeking." I said before running upstairs and stuffing them into Harry's closet. I turned around and bumped into someone again, losing my glasses again.

"Sorry love." Harry said.

"Where are your glasses?" He asked.

"I don't know. I can't find them." I said, patting the floor to find them.

"Found them." He said before handing them to me.

"Thank you. Do you like kissing me?" I asked, curious of the answer.

"Yup." He said, kissing me.

"Why?" I said, pushing him off.

"Because you remind me of the times I used to love you." He said before placing another kiss on my lips.

"Wait... You loved me?" I asked. His cheeks turned red.

"Yeah... In the fourth grade." He said, placing a longer kiss on my lips.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"'Cause I thought you didn't like me... And you were closer to Niall than you ever were with me so I thought you liked him." He said before placing his lips on mine again. He pulled me closer and placed his hands on my waist.

"Come on stupid. We need to help downstairs." I said. He chuckled lightly before picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He lied me down on the bed with him on top.

"You can leave if you make me laugh." He said. I did a few funny faces before tickling him.

"No... Stop... Hahaha!" He said. I got up from under him.

"Lets go Styles." I said. We walked back to the kitchen and found Adam and Jas making a cake.

"Did you tell her?" Adam asked Harry, he nodded in response.

"I'm sorry Meg. I don't think it was right." He said. I sighed and hugged him.

"So the cake we're having." Harry said awkwardly. He walked over and dipped his finger into the icing.

"Stop." Jas said before slapping his hand. Harry's heart stopped.

"Harry, calm down." I said, walking towards him and pulling him out of the room.

"I'm sorry but... blood..." He said.

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