Chapter 12

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Megan's POV

"Meg... Wake up slowly... Try not to move..." I heard Niall say as I opened my eyes and he put his hand over my mouth. Harry had his fangs out on my leg and his arms were wrapped around it.

"Stay calm..." He said as I nodded and he pulled his hand away. Harry started to move around as I tried slipping out from under him but he squeezed my leg and bit it.

"AAAHHH! HAAARRRYYY!" I screamed. He shot up and I cupped my leg.

"I'm sorry Meg... I'm sorry..." He said getting closer but Niall pushed him away and carried me upstairs. I could feel the pain in my leg as it came up. I gripped onto Niall's shoulder and clawed my nails into it, I couldn't see anything.

"It's broken Meg." Niall said as he got me the glasses and I examined the broken leg.

"He didn't know what he was doing... The others went to go do something and I'm your babysitter. I'm gonna take you to the hospital, okay?" He said as I nodded and we left.

"Niall... Do you know what day it is?" I asked hoping that he remembers it's my birthday, I put pressure onto my leg as I examined where it was.

"It's National Niall Gets Whatever He Wants To Eat Day!" He said as we laughed and I shook my head. So he doesn't remember... Nice. He turned the volume up as Starships by Nicki Minaj came on.

Let's go to the beach, each

Lets go get away

They say what they gonna say

Have a drink, clink

Found the Bud Light

Bad b-

It started before he changed the station and What Makes You Beautiful came on. Niall smiled as we sang along.

M: You're insecure, don't know what for

N: You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or

M: Don't need make up to cover up

N: Being the way that you are is eno-o-ough

We arrived after singing that little bit as he turned off the ignition. He got out and carried me to the waiting room as I sat down and he went to the front. The doctors and nurses came almost instantly as they picked me up and put me on a stretcher and Niall watched me with a reassuring smile.

"I'll be here waiting for you Meg! I promise!" He screamed before I blacked out.


I woke up to Harry and Jess arguing.

"... You say that but you put her in a hospital Harry! If you do like her and if you want her to be your girlfriend then you wouldn't have hurt her! Look at where you put her Harry!" She screamed as Harry got closer.

"You don't think that I feel bad Jessica?! I can't control myself when I'm asleep! I do like her Jess but I promise I will leave for good after she wakes up and I say goodbye... Just give me that." He said as she nodded. I sat up slowly as I looked at the cast and got my glasses from the side table.

"Hey guys... You're leaving?" I asked as Jess left.

"Harry?" I said as he sat down on the chair next to me.

"Happy birthday Meg... Yeah I am... For something that I have to do..." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"No you're not Harry... I heard you talking to Jess... You're leaving because of me... Please don't go Haz..." I said as he smiled and kissed me.

"You will always be mine Megan Payne." He whispered before walking to the door.

"Harry! No Harry! Please don't go!" I screamed as he left. The nurses came into the room and put some more anesthesia.

"Harry! Harry." I said before blacking out again.


I woke up, again, with Liam holding my hand and Sophia next to him. I reached for my glasses once Jess and Niall walked in with Starbucks cups.

"Hey baby girl... How do you feel?" Liam asked as I sat up.

"Where's Harry?" I asked as they handed me a cup.

"Did he leave?"

"No he didn't. He's in the waiting room. Jess saw how hurt you were and she couldn't do that to you. We have to leave for a year though Meg." Niall said before leaving. Harry came back with him, everyone stood up and left. Harry shut the door and stood there.

"Why do you want me to stay so badly? I hurt you and I haven't... I haven't been fully honest with you." He said sitting in a chair. I took a sip of my drink and looked up at him confused.

"What aren't you telling me Harry?"

"I'm kind of... I think... I like someone... you..." He said before he kissed me.

"Everyone is going out so do you want to go out with me?"

"I'd rather go out with you because you want me to and not because you want to fit in." I said, turning away from him.

"And how can I trust you with my heart when you hurt my leg?" I mumbled and chuckled.

"No Meg... I mean... I want to go out with you because I want to and because if you say yes we could all go on a date... After you get out of the hospital. And I promise I won't hurt you because I'm gonna work on controlling myself okay? So will you go out with me Megan?" He asked, I nodded and he kissed me.

"Do I really have to stay here?" I asked, he nodded and I grunted at his response.

"Hello Ms. Payne, Mr. Styles." The doctor said as she walked in.

"How long will I be in here for ma'am?" I asked, Harry made a braid in my hair. Well, attempted to.

"For about a month. Oh, and happy birthday sweetie." She said as I thanked her and she left.

"Happy birthday Megan!" The lads and girls said as they came into the room with a cake.

"We don't have the presents because we want you to open them at home so you will have to wait a month." Claire said, I grunted again and everyone laughed.

"Okay but I want cake like right now." I said with a pouty face. She nodded and gave me a piece.


"Who's gonna stay with her?" Liam asked. I looked around the room and everyone was eating their second slice of cake.

"I will..." Harry mumbled and I smiled.

"Harry will." I said as everyone looked at him. They all said goodnight and left. I looked at Harry as I fell for his eyes.

"Take a picture... It lasts longer." He said as we laughed and he lied down next to me.

"I'm scared." He whispered after a while.

"Why?" I asked.

"What if I don't learn?" He said as I shushed him and I slowly fell asleep.

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