Chapter 29

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"What?" I asked as he nodded.

"I have a brain tumor that is deadly. If I get surgery there is a low possibility I will survive and without it I will still end up dying. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want this to be something you would worry about." He said as I dropped to my knees and started to cry.

"But I've known you since 6th grade. I've told you everything about myself. You can't..." I said as he kneeled and hugged me.

"Get the surgery. I just want you to live longer." I said as I cried even more in his chest.

"I don't have the money to pay for it." He said which made me cry even more.

"I'll pay for it." Harry said.


"I'll pay for it. I have a lot of money and you don't have to pay me back. Well... Just take care of Megan and that will be how you pay me back." He said.

I looked up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. Jess came downstairs with Jasmine, their eyes were red and puffy as were their noses.

"Come on love. You have to go to sleep." Ashton said to Jasmine, she nodded and they went upstairs again.

"Megan." Adam said. I looked at him.

"Promise me that when I die you will take care of Jasmine for me." He said.

"Adam don't say that. You're not gonna-" I started until he cut me off.

"I am Megan. Promise me that you will raise Jasmine as if she is your's. Promise?" He said, I nodded in response.

"Well we gotta go. Bye love. I'll see you tomorrow." Jess said before Ashton came downstairs. Harry, Jess and Ashton left and Adam and I went upstairs and fell asleep. I was in his arms and he held me tightly.




"Good morning love." He said. I woke up and he pecked my cheek. We got ready and got Jas ready then we left.

"So what time are we going?" I asked Jess as she shrugged. She was nervous about getting her left half sleeve but I told her it would be fine.

"I have it at 4. So about... 3:30 ish." She said. I nodded and we sat at the table with Claire, Mel, Ella, Eleanor, Soph and Perrie.

"Hey guys. What are we eating today?" Chrissy asked, sitting down after us as the others shrugged and we looked at the TV. Pizza or salad.

~at the tattoo shop~

"Jessica Cade?" A lady said as Jess cringed. She hates her name.

"It's Jess." She said as we stood up and walked to a room with the lady.

"Okay. You said a half sleeve, right?" The lady said as she nodded.

"Okay. Lie down and stick your arm out." She said as Jess did so, grabbing and squeezing my hand. She squeezed harder time to time but when it was finished it looked beautiful on her.

"Does it still hurt?" I asked as she was driving and she nodded.

"It looks pretty on you." I said as she smiled.

"Do you have something in your throat that is making you so quiet?" I asked, making her smile.

~1 week later~

'Hey Meg. We need you to come over to Harry's. Bring Adam and Little Bit too. ~Ella'

"We have to go. Ella said to go over to Harry's place." I said.

It's a Sunday and it's been a week since I moved in with Adam. I have enough money to buy a little apartment for Ella, Jess and I. Alex is probably going to move in with her boyfriend and Chrissy said she wants to be with Calum.

"Little bit! Little bit get-" Adam started but was cut off by Jasmine.

"What do you want butt?!" She screamed from behind him.

"Get dressed. Or not 'cause you already are. And don't call me a butt when you know you are the bigger butt!" He screamed the last part at her.

"Do you see what I have to deal with?" She says, pointing at Adam who gasped and placed his hand on his heart.

"I'm hurt." He said before grabbing her and placing her over his shoulder.

"Okay... Let's go..." I said, not sure of what to say. We got in the car and started driving.

"Have you talked to Harry lately?" Adam asked. Jasmine was sitting in the back seat listening to music and playing Piano Tiles.

"No. I haven't." I said truthfully. Ever since the day Harry gave me to Adam he's been distant. I haven't gone to the house but they've come over a few times.

"You should talk to him. And your brother." He said. I sighed and looked out the window. If only it were that easy.

"Can I ask you a question Megan?" Jas said from the back seat.

"No you can't have any money." I said sarcastically.

"Awwww. But not my question." She said, a smile forming.

"You know you wanna smile." I said before she smiled, showing her creased cheeks.

"She doesn't have the full out dimples yet does she?" I asked, Adam shaking his head in response.

"Awwww... You're a butt like your brother." I said.

"I am not. If anything she's the bigger butt. And when did I get in this conversation?" Adam said, stopping at a red light and throwing his hands up in defense.

"Anyway. As I was saying. Will you take me into your family when the 2 months come around?" She asked, tears bound to come out.

"Don't worry about that baby girl." Adam said. She sighed and continued on with her music and game.

"She knows?" I asked, a little taken aback.

"Yeah... She's worried about who she's going to go with. She really likes you." He said. The rest of the ride was quiet, other than the faint music from Jas' iPod.

"Hooker, Little Bit and Meg are here!" Niall screamed when I walked through the door. He hugged me tightly.

"I miss you being here. I talk to you about any and everything but you aren't here when I need it." He whispered softly.

"I miss you too and you'll be disappointed in me." I said, motioning my wrists once we let go.

"Same." He said.

"Hey babe. How you been?" He said to Adam before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Niall leave the poor guy alone." I heard Melodie say from the stairs. She walked over and pushed him aside.

"I'm Melodie but you can call me Mel or Mely." She said, shaking Adam and Jasmine's hands.

"I'm Adam and this is Jasmine." He said. Jasmine went up to her and hugged her.

"You smell good. Like flowers." She said before letting go.

"Thank you. It's good to see you Meg." Mel said, turning around and hugging me.

"Come in. The others will arrive shortly." She said.

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