Chapter 2: Now You See

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Neah is sitting in her room re-reading text messages that she shared with Ray Ray. She can't help but miss him, her world bassically surrounded him for the past year and now she has to try to build her whole life again without him. Tears form in her eyes and a smile is painted upon her face as she reads: I'll always need you Neah, you're my light in this world of darkness that I live in. I love you too so much. She remembered they had that conversation when she was feeling down because of his incapability of expressing his feelings and she needed to be reassured that he was there for the long run. Coincidentally he wasn't the one that was ever going to leave, it was her. Neah's mom breaks her out of her trance when she knocks on her door and comes in. "Neah, you feel up to having company?" Her mom asks her staring at her peculiarly. Neah shakes her and stares out the window. Her mom leaves her in her room and heads back downstairs. "Ladies, she said she doesn't feel like having company but I think she needs someone to talk to honestly." Her mom tells SiSi, Rae & Sidney. 

"If she don't want to talk I sure as heck isn't going to make her!" Rae says with an attitude. SiSi nudges her hard on her shoulder, Rae rolls her eyes.

"You don't think it would be too much of a problem for us to go up there?" Sidney asks in concern. 

"I don't. She hasn't been the same in awhile. Did something happen maybe to have her feeling how she does?" Her mom asks the girls suspiciously. 

"I know you never supported the relationship anyways but sje broke up with Ray Ray. We don't know why though." SiSi answers.

"And when she broke up with him she broke up with us too I guess..." Rae adds with a smirk on her face.

"Hmm. No wonder she always in the house. I wonder what he did to her to make her leave him." Her mom says with a angry expression. 

"What makes you think that he did something to her? Ray is a really nice guy, you'd know that if you took a chance to get to know him." Sidney becomes defensive. 

Neah's mom just nods her head with a blank expression. "I guess. Ya'll can go ahead and talk to her if ya'll would like." She says and walks away. 

The girls all walk up to Neah's room and knocks on the door. "Go away mom!" Neah answers as nicely as she can possibly spit out. 

"It's not your mom!" Rae says with an attitude as she walks on in. The girls follow her. 

Neah looks surprised. "Why are ya'll here?" She asks.

"What!? Not happy to see us?" Rae interrogates. 

"It's not that. I just figured ya'll would be mad at me." Neah answers.

"Oh we are!" Sidney tells her as she stares at her angrily.

"I get it Neah, you want to please your parents because you feel like they are all you've got but last time I checked we were family too!" SiSi tells her sincerely.

"I know, I know." Neah answers in a frustrated tone.

"We may not be blood but we showed you loyalty and we still are loyal, why the hell you think we came all this way. We care about you girl!" Rae tells her.

Neah tears up a litlle. "I just needed to get away. My parents mean everything to me, and I just feel like they need me more than anything right now." 

"So you had to leave Ray Ray behind?" Sidney asks her. 

"You don't understand, and ya'll never will." Neah answers.

"Why? Because we don't have real parents like you? I do know one thing, when someone is loyal to you and does all they can to make your life better you shouldn't just throw them away like garbage!" Rae starts to get angry.

"I didn't throw him away!" Neah yells.

"What exactly do you call it then?" SiSi asks her.

"I eliminated space for him so he could find someone better than me! He doesn't need me in his life!" Neah shouts as tears fall from her eyes.

"But that's where you're sadly wrong! He does need you." Sidney tells her. 

"If he didn't need you why is his world turned upside down without you? He barely speaks. he barely feeds anymore. All he ever does is stay couped up in his room. No one can get through to him." SiSi explains.

"I promise you that he's better off by himself." Neah tells them. 

"Stop throwing yourself a pity party! You left him to satisfy your parents, tell the thruth!" Rae yells at her.

"I wish I could tell ya'll why but I just can't!" Neah tells them honestly. 

"All you have for us is excuses and I'm drained. I'm done. I thought t coming to see you would make us feel better but it's not." Sidney tells her and leaves out the room.

"I miss you and I probably always will, and you know I love you but you ditched us the second you were able and friends don't do that to one another. I guess this is the end of the road." SiSi tells her and leaves. 

Neah stares at Rae. 

Rae approaches her and hugs her. She has a vision: "I didn't mean to do it!" Ray says as he hyperventalates. "She's. . . . . .. dead?" Neah asks him. Neah's mom is laying on the ground drenched in blood. Neah tries to wake her up. "Mom! Please! Mom!!!!!" She screams as she holds her. Ray is in shock and runs off. Rae hurries and pushes Neah off her. She stares at Neah in shock. 

"Now you see why I had to leave him?" Neah asks her.

"You're protecting your mom. . ." Rae barely gets the words out of her mouth.

"But most of all I'm protecting him. . .if he never sees me again then he won't have to deal with my mom and most of all he won't kill her. There will be no way possible that he can. That's why we're moving. You can't tell the girls what you saw, okay?" Neah tells her honestly. 

"I won't." Rae says still in shock as she leaves the house. 

Her sisters stare at her as she's walking to the vehicle. "What's wrong?" Sidney asks her. 

"Nothing, just drive please!" Rae tells them as she keeps it short. 

SiSi just stares at her and tries to get inside her mind but Rae has already put up a block. 

*Back at the Palace*

SiSi storms in. Roc just stares at all three girls. "Ya'll okay?" He asks the girls. "Sure we are." SiSi says staring at Rae. Rae walks out of the common area and to her suite. "Did I miss something?" Roc asks. "I'm wondering the same thing!" Sidney tells him. "Rae is hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is!" SiSi tells them determined. "Where have ya'll been?" Roc asks. "We went to see-" She cuts it off when Ray walks in. Ray looks confused. "Why did it get quiet when I walked in?" He asks all of them. "Ray, we went to see Neah today. . ." SiSi blurts out. Roc looks away. Ray just nods his head. "How is she?" He asks. "She's about the same as you." Sidney tells him honestly. "How am I exactly?" He asks her. "Not good and you know it!" Sidney tells him sternly. "I'm fine." He says as Imari walks in. "Uncle Ray!!! Why you look so sad?" She asks him. He shakes his head. "Because I haven't seen my wonderful niece all day, that's why!" He says as he picks her up and kisses her forehead. She gets in his mind without any of the others knowing it: You're going to fine Uncle Ray, love awaits you. It's locked away and you have to find the key to unlock it. He smiles at her and then puts her down. "I'll be fine with time." Ray looks at Sidney and tells her. Sidney just stares at him with worry.

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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