Ch. 23: Demi-Vampire

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Roc looks from Neah to Rae. He doesn’t know who to save until he hears Neah’s heart completely stop. He walks over to Rae.

Ray Ray falls to his knees with Neah. “I know I left ya’ll but I had to. Roc, if it were SiSi I know you have done the same as me, right?” Ray pleads as tears fall down his face.

Roc backs away from Rae a little. “I would but I have to save her. I can’t save Neah!” Roc tells him with a sad expression on his face.

Ray simply shakes his head. “Why Roc?”

“Because I can’t heal someone unless they still have a heartbeat. She’s not dying, she’s dead!” Roc yells a little in frustration.

“I’m sorry, Ray!” Princeton says as he rubs his shoulder.

Ray pushes Princeton’s hand off of him. “Don’t touch me! You’re not sorry, you’re happy he’s saving your girlfriend so don’t even play like you actually care about what I’m going through!” Ray yells at him.

“You know that’s not true, Ray. I do care. Neah was like family to us too.” Princeton tells him and walks where Roc and Rae are.

“And ya’ll are so focused on Rae and ya’ll haven’t even killed this thing that got us into this mess, what are ya’ll good for?” Ray screams at everyone. He’s taking his anger out on everyone because of his hurt from Neah’s death. “Where’s the potion?” Ray asks in a terrifying tone.

Sidney holds her hand out with it in her possession.

Ray snatches the potions from her and heads toward Silas and Hanson. “I’m gonna show ya’ll how to kill a volve!” Ray says as he stares at Silas with pure evil in his spirit.

Silas shakes his head in terror. “Please don’t do this!”

Ray’s fangs release themselves.

Hanson tightens his grip on the chains that are holding Silas bound.

Ray gets in Silas face. “One drop and you’ll self-destruct before all of our eyes!” He says with evil laughter.

EJ stares at Ray weirdly. “Does anyone else think he’s lost his mind?” He asks.

“You would too if you lost the only thing that you ever loved.” Sidney explains.

“I wish I knew what it felt like to be loved and return the love to someone worthy.” He adds and becomes silent as he watches Ray.

Ray drops the potion into Silas mouth. “Goodbye.” He says to Silas.

Silas laughs after he realizes that the potion isn’t working. “You thought it’d be that easy?”

Ray starts to look nervous. He turns to Tamar. “Why is he not dead yet?”

“Give it time, boo! Just wait a minute.” She answers and stares at Silas.

“I’m not going to die. I don’t know why ya’ll are pressing this issue. I feel my strength gaining right now!” Silas replies with laughter.

Ray becomes confused. “Tae, I think something isn’t right!” Ray exclaims.

“The potion is tricking him into thinking his strength is building but it’s actually tearing every bit of energy in him apart. You’ll see.” A familiar voice answers.

Ray and Tamar turn around and see Chris and Savannah.

“We just wanted to see him die for good. We don’t mean to cause any drama, we’ll leave right away.” Christopher tells them. He looks over his dying child. “Pull the baby out and then heal her, Roc.” He adds.

Roc grabs hold of the baby to whom sees through Rae’s ripped open stomach.

Princeton grabs his baby and gets a towel and wipes him off. “Zayne Emmanuel, I’m glad you’re alive baby boy.” He whispers to his son.

Rae is in and out of consciousness. She blacks out.

Roc lays his hands over her open womb. Suddenly her stomach starts to heal up slowly.

Silas starts shaking uncontrollably.

“He’s dying quickly.” Savannah adds with a smile.

“Well my work here is done; I guess I’ll be leaving now. Congratulations Princeton!” He tells him solemnly and picks up Neah.

Princeton nods and gives him a partial smile. “Where are you gonna go?”

“I gotta at least give her a proper burial.” He says sadly with tears in his eyes.

Savannah stares after him for a while. “What happened to her? If ya’ll don’t mind me asking.”

Everyone looks at Prodigy.

“Why ya’ll look at me?” He asks with an attitude.

“Because you’re the only one of us besides Ray who knows what happened!” SiSi answers him mirroring the same attitude he used.

He sighs. “Her mom tried to kill her so he saved her . . .well sort of.” He answers.

Chris shakes his head in sorrow. “Must be hard to watch your true love die like that.”

“That’s not even the worst part though.” Prodigy adds.

He grabs everyone’s attention when he states that.

“What you mean?” SiSi adds with an eyebrow lifted.

“She killed the daddy too. Ray didn’t make it in time to save him though.” Prodigy answers.

Everyone starts to look sad.

“I wish there was a way she could have been saved too, I guess our best friend is really gone for real this time.” Rae says which startles everyone. No one realized that she was healed completely.

“She doesn’t have to be gone for good though.” Savannah says which intrigues everyone.

Tamar steps in front of her. “I know what you’re getting at and he’s not ready to do that!”

“Who’s not ready to do what?” Roc asks.

“I’m so confused!” Prodigy states.

“I’m so confused too!” EJ mirrors him.

Prodigy rolls his eyes.

“She’s a demi-vampire, right?” Savannah asks them.

“What the hell is that?” Princeton asks.

“That’s what they call vampires who are half human.” Christopher answers.

“Well then yeah she is.” Sidney reveals.

Savannah smiles as if she has something up her sleeve. “Ray could change her into a full vampire if he does it before the sun comes up.”

“He won’t know how to stop drinking her blood and he’ll kill her completely anyways and I’m not going to make him feel guilty for this. Just let him cope with her death.” Tamar yells.

Princeton stares at Tamar. “I can’t just hold this information in. I think he should know if there’s some way possible that he can save her.”

“You don’t understand how hard this will be on him if he can’t stop drinking her blood.” Tamar explains.

“I do, but I also know when it was Rae I did it for her because I would rather have her for the rest of my life or kill her trying. Not trying wasn’t an option!” Princeton tells her.

“Vince, help me out!” Tamar tries to convince him to side with her.

Vince stares from Tamar to Princeton pondering what should be done.

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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