Chapter 38: Pop it, Pop it, Pop it

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*The Group*

Christopher corners Sidney, Rae and SiSi. “I know I’m not your favorite person, and I’ve made a lot of stupid decisions with being Savannah’s puppet for years, but I do care for you girls. And when you’re ready I’d like to try and get to know you three better, I hope one day we can do that.”

Rae smiles at his genuineness. “It may be a little soon right now, but we can always try.”

“I guess I can deal with that for now. Be well my dears, and if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to contact me.” He says and then disappears.

“TAMAR!” Princeton says jumping up and down, going to hug his her. “I missed you so much,” he adds holding her close.

She chuckles, “I missed you too,” she says, patting his back lovingly.

“I missed you too,” the others add in, as everyone starts group hugging her.

She breaths in deeply, smelling the scent of every distinct vampire. She notices that Neah is all alone by herself, looking down in a melancholy expression. “Get over here Neah, you apart of the family too.”

“Really?” Neah asks excitedly grinning as she joins in the group hug.

The others let go after awhile, but Prince is still hanging on to her for dear life. He’s afraid at any moment he’ll wake up and be dreaming.

Tears well in his eyes as he looks up at her, “I just want you to know I’m so sorry for everything I caused. I realize it was my fault that you were in that predicament to begin with. If it wasn’t for me none of it would have happened.” He says. “I thought I had lost you forever, please don’t ever leave again.” He breaths deeply trying to keep himself under control.

Tamar eyes him somberly. “I go to the mountain to drink and feed, it had nothing to do with you. It wasn’t your fault that Savannah was a psycho. You didn’t need to apologize. I realize, you were hurting, but its over now, and we’re together again, that’s all that matters. And no, I’ll never leave any of you again, it takes more than a crazy bitch to get rid of ol’ Tay-Tay.” She smiles, as the group laughs.

Prince squeezes her tightly, finally finding the strength to let go of her. “If its okay with you, I’d like to call you mom, now. I should have done it a long time ago, kowing you were dead, just put everything in perspective for me. I never want to lose you. You are the only mother I’ve ever known really, and although not birth, you still birthed me because you changed me and gave me this life, and for that I will forever be grateful to you.”

Tamar can feel her eyes getting misty. “I've always wanted children of my own, but you are my kids. I was feeling sorry for myself, when I have the most amazing children anyone could ask for. I would be honored if you’d call me mom.”

Prince smiles as the other boys agree to call her mom too.

Vince who’s been in shock this entire time staring at his beauty can’t help but want to have her all to himself.

“Tamar, can we be alone for a minute?” Vince asks.

The others start to get disgusted expressions on their faces. “You know what that means,” says Ray laughing. “They’re about to get it on.”

“You know, Ray, for you to be over one hundred years old, you’re childish,” Vince scolds but he can’t hide the smirk on his face.

“We need some alone time too,” Roc says grabbing SiSi’s hand. “This is our honeymoon, after all.”

SiSi rolls her eyes. “Some damn honeymoon,” she mutters.

“Don’t worry, because the things I have in store for us, you’re going to forget all about everything that has happened."

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