Ch. 5: Is Selfish Such a Bad Thing?

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*Prodigy & Sidney*

Prodigy stares into space for awhile. Sidney just gazes at him as she realizes he's having a vision. He soon awakens from his premonition.

"What's going to happen?" Sidney asks him a little nervous about the answer since so much has went wrong lately.

"Do ya'll still go see Neah?" Prodigy asks her.

"Nope. Why?" Shee asks him in confusion.

Prodigy hesitates for a moment. "I think Rae is still visiting her without ya'll. . ."

Sidney lifts an eyebrow. "What did you see Prodigy?" She asks him in agitation.

"Rae and Neah were talking about some secret. I don't know what it is but if she still talks to Neah they're hiding something from all of us!"

"SiSi said she felt like Rae was hiding something but I just thought maybe she was crazy since she's been kind of weird lately."

"SiSi has been a little out of it lately but when it comes to this she's on point. . .maybe ya'll need to find out what's going on." Prodigy suggests.

"I'll get to the bottom of it but if SiSi knows about this she will go off!"

"And? She should, in fact ya'll both should!" Prodigy tells her and tends to their daughter.

Sidney just sits and thinks on how she should handle this situation. 

*Rae & Prince*

Princeton is sleeping peacefully so Rae thinks. Rae tries to slowly get out the bed. Princeton catches her arm. "Where you off to?" Princeton asks her as he waits on a lie.

"I need a little fresh air, that's all!" Rae says and smiles.

Princeton rolls his eyes. "If you're scared I'm going to touch you and try to have sex with you I'm not. It's no fun for me when you don't actually want me touching you."

"It's not that, I swear!" Rae lies.

"Save it Rae! You don't want a child, I do though! So how do we solve this cause I'm going to have a child regardless of what you want. . ."

"Are you saying you're going to cheat on me?" Rae asks with an attitude.

"I never said that at all. . ."

"You implied it! I'm out! And if you cheat on me you better be ready for the problems that come with that!" Rae storms out the room. 

Princeton laughs a little at how naive she is and rolls over and falls back alseep.

*Roc & SiSi*

It's storming outside and SiSi could hear Rae and Princeton's arguemnt vaguely. Roc is awake in the recliner chair. SiSi can't sleep while it's storming unless Roc is holding her. Roc glances at SiSi as he can feel her uneasiness. He hates to admit this but even if he's mad at her he wants to comfort her because he still cares. 

"You want me to cuddle you till you fall asleep?" Roc asks nonchalantly. 

SiSi shakes her head. "Nope!"

Roc shrugs. "I'm trying to be nice, but suit yourself!"

"Well don't! You wanna be nice yet you broke up with me because I'm busy?! 

"You know that's not the only reason! I can deal with you being busy but what I refuse to deal with is you underminding me like I'm not a priority, and on top of that you disrespect me so much. You don't deserve me right now!" Roc raises his voice.

"Deserve you?! Really Roc? If this is what you have to offer me I don't want you! You got mad because I'm not wrapped up in you. Your ego is broken and you're blaming me for it. You feel less of a man because you're not my top priority anymore at the moment and that's a personal problem that I can't help you with!" SiSi scorns at him.

"My ego is broken? Yes Sierra that's exactly what it is." Roc says sarcastically and laughs.

SiSi leaves out their suite. 


Rae goes towards the front door but is startled by Ray sitting in the dark in the common area. "Where you off to in this storm?" Ray asks her.

Rae tries to think of a lie. "The rain helps me clear my mind. Don't tell Prince I'm gone please?" Rae asks Ray to keep quiet.

"My lips are sealed plus I have enough drama in my life I really can't afford to be involved in anybody else's." Ray says and leaves to his room.

Rae is driving and somehow she ends up at Neah's house. She flies to Neah's room's balcony and lets herself in. 

Neah jumps a little. "Rae, you can't just pop up like that. You scared me!"

"Girl you'll be alright! What's wrong with you though?" Rae asks as she notices the dried tear stains on Neah's face.

"Ray showed up today. . ."

"Oh. What happened?" Rae asks as if she doesn't already know why he came.

"He wanted to say goodbye. He's trying to get over me, and I thought that's what I wanted so why do I feel so terrible inside?" 

"Because you still love him. Just cause you don't want to be with him doesn't mean the feelings are going to disappear overnight!" Rae tells her with an attitude.

"I thought I had issues but what's wrong with you cause you seem really irritated right now!?" Neah asks her.

"Princeton wants kids cause he's infatuated with Imari and I'm not ready for all that. I'm young and I just want to worry about me without having a little one watching my every move. I'm not a role model and I don't plan on being one any time soon." Rae says point blank. 

"Wow. . .selfsih Rae again!" Neah laughs. 

"Why does everyone say that like it's a bad thing? I'm not married and I don't have kids which means I can be a little selfish, gosh!"

"You're right but you are in a relationship with a man who loves you beyond imaginable words could express so why not compromise?" Neah asks her and smiles. 

"Look at the pot calling the kettle black. . .I guess we're both a little selfish." Rae says and smirks. 

"I saved him from a world of trouble I don't see that as being selfish at all, you on the otherhand got issues." 

Rae rolls her eyes. "Whatever!" She says as she receives a text from Princeton: I won't pressure you. If you don't want a baby we won't have one. I just want you! . . . . . .. .

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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