Chapter 10: Chaotic

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*Princeton & Rae*

Rae is lying in bed, she’s been throwing up for almost 4 hours straight, the garbage can by hers and Princeton’s bed. She feels like she’s finally done throwing up for now, and she breathes a heavy sigh of relief. She’s afraid to get up though, because she fears she’s going to start throwing up all over again.

She looks up at the ceiling her mind working overtime. Why has she been so freaking sick lately? Prince brought her some ginger ale and crackers before he left for MB rehearsal, saying she needs something in her stomach. But she can’t bring herself to eat anything. Food is the last thing on her mind. She wasn’t supposed to get sick, she was practically immortal, so what was going on. She was a little afraid.

Did she have some terminal vampire disease or something? All she wanted to do was be normal, or as normal as she could be, and live her happy little life with Princeton, and her loved ones.

She reluctantly gets up to brush her teeth and get the horrible taste of vomit out of her mouth. She scans the counter for her toothbrush when a box of tampons catches her eyes. She picks it up studying it for the longest time, figuring out in her head when she was on her period last.

“Oh my God,” realization dawns on her. She should have started her period by now, she thinks still studying the box. She feels like a brick has settled in the pit of her stomach, feeling the nausea coming back up, this time for a different reason.

It doesn’t make sense, her and Princeton used protection every time they made love. Not to mention her birth control pill she takes everyday.

She has to go get a pregnancy test, but she can’t tell Princeton about it, she doesn’t want to get his hopes up. Because if she is pregnant, she’s going to get rid of it.


SiSi smiles, “sure I’ll hang with you.” She instantly feels the guilt climbing in her stomach. But she isn’t going to do anything wrong, its just something friendly. Its not like she and Roc or together anyway, he probably wouldn’t even care. For a spilt second she thought about making Roc hurt like she was hurting, and what better way, to hang with another guy.

He gives her a brilliant warm smile. “Great.”

“I didn’t catch your name,” SiSi says.

“Silas Adams,” he says, extending his hand for her to shake. “Its not to meet you umm?” He fumbles.

“Sierra, but everyone calls me SiSi.” She takes his blazing hot hand in hers, and gasps at his temperature. It feels good against her skin, and she’s hesitant to pull away for a moment. Butterflies dance in the pit of her stomach, tingles crawling along her hand. She jerks away quickly. She never feels butterflies without Roc being around.

“Nice name.”

“Thanks.” She pauses, searching for something to feel the awkward silence. “So what do you planned for us to do?” SiSi asks, staring into his eyes. His deep gray eyes are pulling her in like a magnetic pull, and she can’t look away even if she tried.
“I want to take you to one of my favorite clubs. Are you down?” He asks running his fingers through his raven hair, flashing her a dimpled smile.

How can she say no? “Sure,” she says.

After he gets off work, she follows him to the club in her bright purple Ferrari. Once they arrive, he opens the door and helps her out of the car, and grabs her hand.

She feels the same tingles traveling rapidly up her skin. Cold goosebumps breakout over her body, and she feels a little uneasy. Silas can sense her hesitation. “C’mon, it’ll be fun.” He says, pulling on her arm.

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