Ch. 29: What She Always Wanted

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*Prodigy & Sidney*

Prodigy is staring at Imari sleep. He shakes his head.

“Why are you stressed?” Sidney asks him. She always can tell when something is heavy on his mind.

His attention never leaves Imari for a split second. “Something’s not right.” He tells her nonchalantly.

“Not right about what? Ever since Imari came home you’ve been acting funny!” Sidney tells him and rolls her eyes.

Prodigy goes towards the door.

Sidney steps in front of him. “Just talk to me, baby!” She yells to him.

“You’ll think I’m just being mean so it’s no point!” He says and moves her out of the way.

“What is it? You always try to shut me out but it’s not going to work this time! Talk to me dammit!” She yells frustrated. She hates when he puts up walls.

“I don’t want to say anything until I know for sure so just let it go, Sid!”

“I got something for that, I’ll just re---“ She starts.

“Don’t you dare get inside my head either! I hate when you do that.”

“Why? You should be use to that by now!”

“It’s an invasion of privacy so don’t do that shit!” He says and leaves out and slams the door.

She just stares at the door wondering what’s bothering. Every inch of her want to tap inside his mind and see what’s going on but she wants to respects his wishes. It’s torture living in the unknown of Prodigy’s mind but at this point she has no other choice unless she chooses to deceive him and she would never do that.

*Roc and SiSi*

SiSi is writing in her journal. So much has happened to her in order for her to cope she has decided to write which gives her peace and serenity.

Roc comes up behind her and places his hands lightly on her shoulders. “You okay?” He asks as he rubs her.

She smiles. “I’m fine. What was it like without me?” She asks him just wanting to know if he could live without her.

“Honestly it was like death. Living in a world without you is torture, my love. Never leave me like that again, okay?” He tells her truthfully as he gets on his knees in front of her.

“I won’t. I thought it was what you wanted or needed. Maybe it was what I needed though so I would know how I actually feel about you.” She admits.

He stares at her perplexed. “How do you feel? Or are you still unsure?”

“I was never unsure, I just needed to know that if I had to could I be without you and be fine in the meantime.” She tells him as he stares her in the eyes.

“So can you?” He asks.

“I wouldn’t ever want to. Being away from you is like being away from part of myself, you’re a part of me!” She tells him as they hug.

“I never want to let you go.” He tells her and kisses her lips softly.


Vince comes into the house drenched from the rain. He’s carrying Tamar.

Rae walks into the living room not knowing what she’s about to witness. She looks upon Tamar’s still, limp body. “Is she okay?” Rae asks him.

Vince eyes well up with tears. He shakes his head. “She’s was a great mother, Rae. She was a great wife. She was everything to us.” He says as he shakes.

“She is all of that. Why are you using past tense, Vince?” She asks as the rest of the group comes in.

Vince stares from each of the children. “She loved ya’ll so much. Ya’ll were her blood even if DNA wouldn’t show it!” He says as a tears escapes his eye.

Ray touched Tamar’s hand. It’s colder than normal. “Is she dead?” He blurts out.

Vince nods.

Princeton’s eyes widen. “My mom is dead?” He asks trying to deal with his reality.

Vince lays her on the couch. “My sons, your mom loved ya’ll more than she loved anything. Be strong for her. We will be fine. That’s what I keep telling myself.” Vince tries to calm them down.

Princeton punches a wall. “This is bullshit and it’s all my fault! I was so mean to her!” He yells through tears. He runs over to Tamar’s body. “Please wake up! You’re not dead, mom! You’re just in a peaceful sleep. Please wake up! I need you!” He says as he continues to shake her.

Prodigy runs over to him and pulls him up. “It’s okay bro. “

“No it’s not!” He yells as he fights his way back to Tamar. “I take back everything I said. You were always my mom; I didn’t mean any of it! I’m so sorry just please wake up!” He keeps screaming as he’s hugging her body tightly.

Ray and Prodigy try to grab him but he’s fighting too hard.

“Just let him deal. Let’s leave him alone for a little while.” Vince tells them as he and the rest of the group leave out.

“Why God? Why? She was the most amazing person ever! Why’d you have to take my mom from me? She’s the only person that ever understood me completely! She was my best friend when I had no one else. Why? She didn’t deserve this!” He says through tears as he holds his deceased mother figure. He is rocking her as if she’s a baby. His heart is broken, and he’s mad at himself for all the hurtful things that he never got a chance to make straight with her before she died.

Ray looks at Rae. “You good?” He asks as he notices her falling apart.

“If we had never came in the pic ya’lls life would be so much better!” She admits to him as tears fall down her face.

Sidney grabs her hand. “We’ve caused so much drama in your life and we’re so sorry. “Sidney adds sadly.

SiSi just stares into space as she slides down the wall. “We’ve been nothing but trouble.” She says in a whisper as she shakes her head.

“This wasn’t ya’ll faults. We don’t even know who did this!” Vince tries to convince the girls.

“And even if we did know who did it we would never blame ya’ll!” Ray tells the girls.

Neah sits beside SiSi and lets her arm rest around her shoulder and pulls her close. “Everything will work out!” She whispers to her.

“Ya’ll gave Tamar what she always wanted! Don’t ever regret coming into our lives.” Vince tells them and smiles as he wipes his tears.

“What exactly did we give her?” SiSi asks dumbly.

“Daughters, babe!” Roc answers her with a slight laugh.

The girls all smiles a little.

“Ya’ll gave us everything we never knew we needed and even though some bad things have occurred I wouldn’t trade ya’ll for nothing in the world and I know Tamar felt the same.” Vince tells them aa he walks back to the living room where Princeton is.

Prodigy falls still. He’s in a trance.

“Hopefully Prodigy will see who did this cause I want revenge! No one will ever hurt my family like this and get away with it!” Ray Ray yells.

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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