Chapter 16: The Race to save a life

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*The Group*

“Prince, I’m starving,” Rae says, her stomach starts to growl, and the pains are becoming unbearable. She feels her bones stretching like the baby is growing quickly.

“Okay, babe, what do you want to eat?”

“I’m craving blood, and lots of it,” She smiles, touching her belly.

“Coming right up, deer or mountain lion?” He asks, standing up, and dusting his pants off.

“Surprise me.”

“Stay put, I don’t want you anywhere near any animals.”

“But Prince, I can handle myself.”

“I know but you have to think about the baby Rae,”

She rolls her eyes discreetly, as he gives her a quick kiss before running off with inhuman speed.

“Before we move out, we need to feed,” Tamar says. The group starts to get up, but Roc remains sitting down. “Roc, you ain’t gone feed boo?” Tamar asks.

Roc shakes his head. “I can’t.” He says sulking, his chin resting on his hands.

“I know you’re hurting right now, we all are about the terrible thing that has happened to SiSi, and we would give anything to take it back, but she needs you to be strong and fight for her. You need to be at your best when we confront this volve. Get up dust yourself off, and don’t have a pity party for yourself, when SiSi needs you so much right now.” Tamar sympathizes, then runs off to catch up with the group.

“She’s right, Roc.” Rae says quietly, sitting with her hands in her lap waiting on Princeton to come back. “SiSi is going to need you to be strong for her. She needs you Roc, be at your best so you can fight for her. She’s going to need you most.”

Roc looks at Rae for a moment, then he nods as realization dawns on him, he can’t have wallow in self pity when SiSi has suffered so much.

He runs off, to go for a hunt so he can have enough strength to try and fight.

“This is so good baby, but I’m still hungry.” Rae says as she finishes the last bit of animal blood, in a big juicy mountain lion. She pats her belly, and burps out loud. Prince gives her a disgusted look, and wipes the blood off her mouth with the back of his hand.

“We’ll feed again later, you gonna be alright until then?”

She nods sadly, as her stomach growls again.

Prodigy senses someone following him but he ignores it, as he brings Sidney back the kill. “I miss Imari, babe,” Sid sulks as she drains the blood, and throws the animal carcass somewhere in the deep into the forest.

Prodigy wipes his mouth with a napkin. “I miss her too babe, but she‘s fine with the nanny Tamar set up, its one of her close friends.”
“I know,” she sighs. “But its still hard.”

“What’s hard?” EJ pops up out of nowhere, starling both Sidney and Prodigy.

Sidney glares at him. “This is a private conversation,” she says simply.

“Oh,” he chuckles awkwardly. “So what’s up guys?”

Prod and Sidney exchange a glance. “No disrespect, but, Sid and I want to spend time alone…..”

“Oh?” EJ asks. “Can I chill with y’all?”

“We want to be alone…” Sidney says.

EJ’s eyebrows pinched together. “I’m not following…”

Prodigy was two seconds away from losing it as he started to walk closer to EJ. Sidney put her hand on Prodigy’s shoulder to stop him. “EJ Prodigy and I want to be alone, without anyone else around, okay?”

EJ thought for a moment, looking between the two of them. “Oh. I see how it is.” He says, as he gives them a creepy look and walks away.

“You see what I mean babe, the dude is creepy as hell.”

“Yeah I do see, but he’s harmless.” Sid says.

“I hope.”

As soon as they see a strip of daylight they know they have to get a move on, they have to stay in the shadows. The volve won’t be expecting them to be out at this time of the day since its daylight, they hope to catch him with the element of surprise.


Her mothers eyes fall to the floor for a moment. Neah can hear the increasing of her heart pounding. “Where have you been mom?” She repeats.

Neah’s mom glares at her. “I am your mother, you have no reason to ask me questions like that. Its none of your damn business, where I have been.”

Neah looks away, why is her mother defensive all of a sudden? “I didn’t meant to imply anything mom, its just late is all, I was worried.”

“You have nothing to be worried about, Neah, now go back to bed.”

Neah hesitates, but goes upstairs to her room. She hears the footfalls of her mother, and then a door closes.

Neah doesn’t feel safe, she needs to get away, and to the one place she does feel safe, in the arms of Ray Ray.

*The Group*

Roc leads the way as he sniffs SiSi’s scent out. He can feel her again, and its like she’s leading her to him, the others fall in step behind them as they stay in the shadowy places. They’ve grown immune to the sun, but they still can’t take any chances.

“One more touch,” Silas laughs. “One more touch, and you’re dead.” He sings. “No one can save you SiSi.” He says close to her ear. “I’ve had my fun with you, now I’m going to fucking kill you.” He says angrily.

“Why me?” SiSi asks weakly, she can feel herself regaining strength, and she feels Roc getting closer to her, she only hopes he can hurry.

“Your parents, the evil mother fuckers who turned me like this.”

“My parents? The Lovecrafts are dea-”

“Not the fucking Lovecratfs, Savannah and Christopher.”


He laughs. “Yep, they’re responsible for a lot of shit. Shit that’ll blow your mind, they’re not the people they claim to be, so don’t trust them.” He says. “Well your about to die anyway, so I guess that’s neither here nor there.” He laughs.

“Any last requests?” He asks his fingers close to the point that will end her life.

“Goodbye mother fucker.” A deep voice says from behind him. “How are those for last words?”

Stay tuned -Rae

Mindless Blood Saga Book III: PowerWhere stories live. Discover now