Ch. 33: Pure Evil

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Prodigy stares at the dead body just lying there limp in his own puddle of blood. The dagger is still in him. “Whoever did this left evidence.” Prodigy says out loud to himself.

He runs out of the room and grabs Vince out of his suite to show him what he has found.

Vince is so shocked he’s lost for words. He looks at Prodigy as if he’s guilty. “You sure you didn’t do it?” he asks him.

“Oh I wanted to but someone beat me to it. The question is who!” Prodigy answers him.

Vincent gathers everyone in the front room.

“Why are we? I got things to do!” Roc asks hastily.

“We all know you trying to have sex but we have bigger problems!” Vince answers him and rolls his eyes.

“I wasn’t even talking about sex.” Roc adds with an attitude clearly lying.

“E.J. is dead!” Prodigy blurts out.

Sidney is half sleep but when he mentions that she becomes wide awake. “What?!” She yells.

“Yeah he’s gone. Dagger still in him and everything. If one of you did it I need to know!” Vince tells them sternly.

“He was annoying but none of us had a reason to kill him. I don’t think this was done by the hands of any of us.” Ray explains.

“I had a reason to! He kidnapped my daughter and made it seem as if he saved her!” Prodigy reveals to them.

Everyone gasps collectively.

“How do you know that for sure?” Vince interrogates.

“He seen a vision of it. He suspected it all along but E.J. had been blocking his visions but I removed the block and that’s when it came through. He also saw that a woman who wears a ruby red ring on her left hand was the one who killed Tamar.” Sidney answers.

SiSi stares at Sidney. “Did you say a ruby red stoned ring on her left hand?” She asks.

Sidney nods. She notices a terrified expression on SiSi’s face.

“I think I know who killed ya’lls mother . . .” SiSi tells them.

Rae communicates to SiSi through her mind:” Are you sure you really want to blame Savannah when we don’t know for sure it was her?” Rae asks her.

“Who else has an alt against us? Savannah did it and you know it!” SiSi answers.

“You’re right! I guess you should tell them then.” Rae adds.

“What if she’s not finished yet? What if she’s waiting to get them one by one?” SiSi asks in fear.

“All the more reason to warn them now. Savannah wants us and she’s proving that she’ll do anything till she gets us! There’s no time for you to be scared. It’s time to fight back!” Rae tells her sternly.

SiSi hesitates for a moment.

“That whole mind communication thing that ya’ll do is cool and all but we have no idea what’s going on . . . mind filling us in?” Princeton asks them.

“Savannah wears a ruby red ring on her left ring finger. Christopher gave it to her when they were teenagers. She never takes it off so I’ve been told.” SiSi reveals.

Princeton starts to feel himself becoming angered. “You mean to tell me that your evil mother killed Tamar?” He asks them.

Sidney steps back. “She wouldn’t do that would she?” Sidney asks almost in disbelief.

“Oh she would. She’s going to do anything to get us alone. She knows with them around she can’t get to us. My theory is that she’s going to kill all of you.” Rae explains.

“The knife that’s in E.J. is the same one that was in my vision that was used on Tamar . . .” Prodigy realizes.

“Why would she kill E.J. though? He was on her side!” Sidney asks him.

“Maybe his job was done and she finished him too.” Prodigy answers her.

Sidney shakes her head. “We’re dealing with pure evil. She has no remorse and she’ll do whatever it takes so she can take my sisters and I!” Sidney tells them in horror.

“But why the hell are we this important to her?” SiSi asks in anger.

“Ya’ll are the chosen 3. She wants ya’ll so she can use mind control and be able to rule through ya’ll!” Vince answers.

Rae rolls her eyes. “I wish we were normal nobodies again because now our life is so damn complicated now!”

“All we can do is kill her before she kills all of us.” Princeton says coldly.

“This house has security, right?” Neah asks.

“Of course!” Vincent answers her with an attitude.

“So how the hell did she even get in without anyone noticing or an alarm going off?” She asks.

Realization has dawned on SiSi. “She’s been in the house and we haven’t even noticed. She’s in here now probably!”

Neah grabs the dagger. She starts to see Savannah stabbing E.J.: “Why must you kill me?” E.J. utters out.

“I have no more use for you. You already know way too much and I don’t need this family getting to you and making you reveal all of my plans.” She says and coldly watches him die. She leaves his suite and walks out of the palace. She has killed all of the guards with the same potion. Neah drops the dagger suddenly. “She killed him because he knew all of her plans and she was scared he would tell us. She’s not here anymore & we’re not protected. All we have is ourselves!” Neah notifies them.

“Everyone lock every door and window now. I’m turning on the security systems and then we will all meet downstairs in the panic room. When she comes back we’ll be ready for her!” Vince barks out orders.

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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