Chapter 12: Volves

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“Volves,” SiSi repeats again.

Silas jumps over the chair, and gets in her face startling her. “Don’t say that fucking word again,” he says a little spittle falling on her face. She tries to wipe her face off, but she still can’t move her arms.

SiSi doesn’t back down. “Why, that’s what you are.” She sneers at him, trying to sit up, but its no use.

He gives her a sadistic grin, “if you know what I am, then you know I can’t be defeated.”

“You can be defeated. I’ll just have to figure out how.”

He throws his head back and laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard.

He reaches out and tries to touch her, but she musters up the strength to jerk away. “Don’t fucking touch me,” she grunts.

He grins wider. “I have to, how else will I keep you paralyzed so you won’t try to escape. Now be a good girl and hold still.”

She plays weak, but she feels her strength coming back. “Why, I’m still paralyzed, I can’t read your thoughts or anything.” She says milking it, but she is trying to get in contact with someone from the outside, who can help her.

He deadpans. “Do you think I’m damn stupid or something? Don’t you think I would know when your paralysis will wear off?” He yells.

She flinches from the tone in his voice, and he laughs. “Now hold still.” He reaches for her.

*The Group*

Roc suddenly feels SiSi throughout his bones, he knows she’s alive. Prodigy has a vision of her while watching Roc.

Prodigy sees a young man standing over SiSi, touching her, and SiSi’s body not being able to move. “Volves.” He hears the name echoing throughout his mind, and he says it out loud.

“Volves?” Prince asks puzzled.

“What the hell is a volve?” Ray asks.

“Oh snap! I haven’t heard that name in years. We didn’t think they existed anymore.” Tamar says.

“What are they?” Prod asks.

“They are a combination between a werewolf and a vampire, they are really strong, and they possess the power to touch a vampire and paralyze them. It shuts the vampire senses off completely.”

“That must have been why I couldn’t feel SiSi.” Roc says.

“I knew she was alive,” Sidney says smiling.

“That’s all well and good, but what do we do about it?” Rae blurts.

“I don’t know much about them, they’re extremely rare,” Vince admits.

“We need help then.” EJ pops up, standing close to Prodigy. Prodigy eyes him, and goes to the other side of the room.

“I hate to say this but maybe Christopher and Savannah might have better luck with this situation.” Tamar grunts.

“Aw hell nah!” Rae says, her fingers clenched into fists by her side.

“Relax baby, you need to think about the baby now.” Princeton says.

“Screw the baby I didn’t want.”

“It doesn’t matter what you wanted, its here now, so stop being selfish.”

“Will you two stop? Damn.” Roc yells.

“Fine we can work with the two goons that birthed me, but I want to pop Savannah in the mouth one good time.”

“No Rae, you need to think about the baby.”

Rae rolls her eyes. “Please don’t get in my nerves and try to control me now that I’m pregnant.”

“Will you two shut up? I can’t feel SiSi anymore.”

“That means we don’t have much time.” EJ says creeping up behind Prodigy again.

“Nigga will you move.”

EJ smiles. “I’m just trying to help.”

“We need to hurry,” Ray says . “There’s no telling what this fucker has planned for SiSi.”

“He’s right, let’s go get Christopher and Savannah.”

“A VOLVE?” Christopher and Savannah say simultaneously.

“It must be worse than we thought.” Prod says.

“Yeah it must be worse than we thought.” EJ mirrors, standing like Prod.

Prod rolls his eyes and ignores him.

“What are we up against?” Vince asks.

“They are extremely difficult to defeat.” Savannah begins. “And very dangerous, and poisonous to vampires.”

“And also extremely rare.” 

“How can we stop them?”

“Why do you need to stop it?” Christopher asks. “Is something wrong?”

Roc is getting frustrated. “SiSi was taken by a volve.”

Christopher gasps, “are you sure?”

They nod.

“We must get to her fast then, because if she’s touched to many times by him, she will die.”

They all look at one another……………

Stay tuned -Rae

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