Ch. 17: Something's Not Right

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*The Group*

Roc stumbles for a moment in front of the house that SiSi is in. He turns to look at the rest of the guys. “Something isn’t right. . .” He whispers.

Tamar moves closer to him. “What is it?” She asks in confusion.

“I felt fear deep in SiSi and now I sense some form of relief.” Roc notifies them.

EJ steps in front of Prodigy. “Can Volves dictate emotions?” He asks and laughs.

Everyone stares at Christopher.

“I’ve never known them to but the way this sounds it has to be that.” He answers EJ and stares at him weirdly.


“Well we’ll never figure it out standing out here dummies!” Savannah says and pushes Roc and Tamar out of the way and busts through the door.

A young attractive man with long dark hair turns around.

Roc lays eyes on SiSi and runs to her immediately.

“If you touch her I will kill her, after all I only have one more touch!” Silas tells Roc.

Roc slowly backs away.

“Silas?” Savannah calls in shock.

“Who are ya’ll?” The unfamiliar man asks everyone.

Silas laughs while the man has him up against the wall with his hand around his neck. “Savannah and Christopher . . . nice to see ya’ll again.” Silas tells them and smiles evilly.

The whole group starts to stare at Christopher and Savannah will anger in their eyes.

“I’m starting to think that this guy right here knows them!” EJ annoyingly notifies them.

“Clearly EJ!” Prodigy says with an attitude.

Tamar gets in Chris and Savannah’s face. “How exactly do ya’ll three know one another?” She asks.

“That’s beside the point; don’t you think we should be worried about saving our daughter, Tamar?” Savannah tries to pull a guilt trip.

“That strangely fine man has him under control; I wanna deal with you right now! How the hell do you know the man who has been trying to kill my daughter?” Tamar asks as her fangs release themselves.

Silas tries to jerk away from Hanson but the man tightens his grip around his neck. “They made me who I am.” Silas reveals.

Everyone gasps in shock. Hanson is so in shock he mistakenly loosens his grip on Silas, which gives Silas the chance to touch SiSi one last time and he does just that.

SiSi starts gasping for air. Roc’s attention shifts back on her. “No no no baby, don’t die on me! You’re strong.” He panics as he holds her and rubs her sweating face.



Neah can’t seem to sleep at all. She keeps seeing shadows of movement from under her closed bedroom door. She starts towards her door but the shadows stop. She opens her door and nothing is there. She runs downstairs and sees her dad on the couch seeming to be sleep. She starts to wake him but instead she leaves the house instead without notifying anyone. She’s walking with nowhere to possibly go. She’s alone in the woods and suddenly it dawns on her that she’s taking the path to the palace. She contemplates whether she should turn around or keep going. Her heart says to go to the palace but her mind is speaking against it. In the end her heart wins this battle and she approaches the huge mansion. All the lights are off. She rings the doorbell several times but to her dismay no one answers and she doesn’t hear any activity happening inside. She heads back home as she feels fear creeping up on her from her being alone in the woods. As she finally makes it back home and approaches her house she hears her father scream. She runs in the house and sees her dad laying on the couch with sweat all over him. Her mom is on the floor next to the couch holding a wet towel on his forehead.

“What’s wrong with daddy?” Neah asks her mom in confusion because he seemed fine before she left.

He shrugs. “I was sleeping and all of a sudden he was screaming in so much pain. I have no idea what’s going on with him.” She replies with tears in her eyes.

“Take him to a hospital, Mom!” Neah yells.

Neah’s mom rolls her eyes. “You seem to have forgot he’s a fucking vampire! How would we explain that?” Her mom yells back at her.

“I wasn’t thinking clearly, maybe Roc could heal him or something?” Neah suggests.

“Your father is going to be fine, we don’t need any of your friends in our business!” She says with an attitude.

“I don’t understand why you’re not trying to help him, mom!”

“I’m doing all I can do Neah Simone! Now shut the hell up and just go upstairs. Let me handle this!”

“No I won’t! I’m going to stay down here with my father, why are you pushing me away?” We should be sticking together!”

Neah’s mother jumps up. “I’m already pissed at you enough, you snuck out and now you want to be all about family? Go upstairs; I’m tired of looking at you!”

Neah is hurt by her mom’s words. The only person she can think of that would never treat her like this is Ray Ray and she let him go for her mom. She runs upstairs without answering her mom.



Stay tuned! - Chasity

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