Ch. 25: The Choice is Yours

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“I have to get to Ray Ray, we can deal with this later.” Princeton says with an attitude and walks away.

Rae stares after him with anger.

SiSi taps Rae on her shoulder. “Did you just let him dismiss you?”

Rae rolls her eyes. “I feel like I need to pick and choose my battles right now.”

“Hell no! That boy is being hella disrespectful. Do something about it or I will!” SiSi intervenes.

“You must not understand what I meant by that. I’m picking and choosing my battle right now but as soon as we get home, I’ma tear that ass up for what he’s done to me and if he thinks for a second that I’m going to marry him he must be sadly mistaken!” Rae tells her and winks and they all follow Princeton.

“Now that’s my girl!” SiSi tells her.

Roc pulls her to the side. “Please don’t get involved with that. Okay?”

SiSi just stares at him and smiles. “For you I’ll be nice.” She answers and his kisses lips softly.

“Thank you, cause lord knows we’ve had our share of enough problems.” Roc finishes with laughter.


“Tamar?” He calls for her. He can feel her presence but she’s good at hiding.

Tamar tries to move slightly out of sight and slips on a bunch of wet leaves. “Damn!” She yells.

Vincent goes over to her. “There you are!” He says as he smiles at her.

She shakes her head. “Out of all the boys I never would have imagined that Princeton would be the one to treat me like he just did back there.” She says as she wipes her tears.

“I don’t think he meant it though baby. He’s frustrated and he was mad so he said things that would hurt you. Deep down he’s hurting for some reason and he’s holding it all in.” Vince explains.

“That’s no excuse, Vince. I’ve done everything for them. I’ve been the only mother that they even can remember and for him to disown me . . .that hurt me deep. I feel like our whole bond has been a lie.” She says as tears fall upon her cheek.

“Crying isn’t going to help, Tae. Talk to him and tell him all of this!”

Tamar shakes her head. “Honestly, I just want to be alone and drown in my sorrows for now. I can’t face him right now. I’m too mad and hurt and I don’t want to say anything to him that I might regret. I won’t do him like he’s done me.” She says and sits against a tree as it starts to rain.

“You really want to be out here alone in the rain?” He asks in confusion.

She nods. “Please Vince just leave me alone. The rain never hurt anybody. I’ll be fine. I’ll meet you at the palace in a little while.” She says and looks down.

He obliges and leaves her to herself.

*The palace*

Princeton sees Ray. “Where’s Neah?” He asks while looking around.

Ray tears up. “I buried her.”

Everyone else busts in.

“What if I told you that you could . . .” Princeton starts.

Prodigy interrupts his sentence. “Princeton, think about what you’re doing! Think about the door you’re opening up.”

“If it were Sid, what would you do?” Princeton asks him.

Prodigy sighs. “I’d save her.” Prodigy answers with a hushed tone.

Ray starts to become confused. “What the hell are ya’ll talking about? I don’t have time for nonsense.”

“You could save Neah . . .” SiSi blurts out.

Everyone looks shocked that she told him.

“I know no one expected me to tell him. Princeton, you’re already in deep shit already, I didn’t want you to make it worse.” SiSi admits. She told Roc she’d be nice so that’s what she’s trying to do.

Princeton smiles a little. “Thank you.” He mouths to her.

“She’s dead you guys. I’d appreciate if ya’ll wouldn’t make a joke out of this!” Ray tells them and starts to storm out.

“It’s not a joke, Ray. She’s a demi-vampire so technically she won’t be dead for real until the sun comes up.” SiSi starts.

“Therefore you could change her into a full vampire to save her life.” Roc finishes.

“Really?” Ray asks intrigued.

“Yep!” SiSi answers.

“Well let me undig her then!” Ray says eagerly and runs toward the back yard.

“Wait!” Sidney stops him.

“What?” Ray asks.

“You could kill her indefinitely though.” Sidney reveals to him.

Ray stares at her weirdly. “Huh?”

“If you were to suck too much of her blood she would die indefinitely by your hands . . .”

Ray Ray looks from each of them. He’s conflicted with a decision. He knows he should save her but he also knows her blood is his weakness and he knows one taste of it would more than likely be then end of her regardless.

Vince walks in. “It’s up to you to make a choice, son.” He tells him.

Stay tuned! - Chasity

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