Ch. 15: Sleeping With the Enemy?

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*SiSi & Silas*

Silas has been finished with SiSi for a while and has company of another woman. SiSi is starting to come back to her normal mental state. He and the lady pass by the bed she is chained to and she notices a slightly familiar face but she can’t figure out who she is exactly. She tunes in on their conversation from the next room over. She can barely hear them but she catches bits and pieces: “My husband won’t be a problem.” The lady says.

“And your daughter?” He asks her as he rubs her face.

The lady smiles flirtatiously. “She’ll be taken care of. It’s just she’s being protected . . .”

“Protected?” he asks her as he grabs her chin tightly. “If you can’t handle her I will!”

She tears up a little. “I can do this!” She relates to him.

He jerks his hand off of her face. “Handle it or I’ll be forced to make you watch the torture of your own flesh and blood!” He says and starts kissing her roughly.

She puts her legs around him as he throws her against the wall. “I want to be the one to kill her. All you need to worry about is fucking my brains out right now!” She says sexily.

He smiles and releases his fangs and bites into her neck.

She expresses a scream filled with passion and pain all at the same time. “Silas! Baby! Ahhh” She moans loudly.

After they are finished he pricks his finger with his fangs and lets his blood run over his bite in her neck which heals her.

“What do you plan on doing with that heathen?” She asks him as she stares at a “unconscious” SiSi.

He stares at SiSi and smiles wickedly. “I want you to watch what I do to her when the time comes.” He says and kisses her and walks her out the door.


*The Group*

The group has retreated for the night. They want to be as well rested as possible before they even attempt to take on this powerful being. Roc is meditating alone in the Forrest. He can feel SiSi so he knows at this moment she’s somewhat okay. He knows she’s uneasy about something which makes him believe that the raping has already occurred. He can’t seem to wrap his mind around another man touching her the way he has always touched her. This makes him want to demolish the volve even more than he has ever wanted anything in his life. He knew his destiny was to love and protect SiSi for the rest of his eternal life and he would do just that. He would never let silly differences and stupid arguments push her away ever again. All he wanted to do was find her and hold her and never let her go.


Prodigy and Sidney are snuggling. “We’ve been so wrapped up with Imari we haven’t had any ‘us’ time baby.” Prodigy tells her longing for her body. They are in a secluded area.

“Kiss me!” She tells him in a sexy tone. He obliges and climbs on top of her and kisses all over her neck, he gently bites her as well which always turns her on.

EJ comes around the corner from taking a stroll by himself. He notices Prodigy and Sidney and accidentally trips over a tree stomp which makes Prodigy and Sidney notice him. “Oww” He screams.

“Dude, why the fuck are you always around?” Prodigy jumps up and yells.

“I swear I wasn’t trying to interrupt.” He tells them honestly.

Prodigy’s eyes start to change colors. “I’ve been letting your creepy ass slide but I can’t take no more dammit! I’m gon’ whoop yo ass tonight!” Prodigy says as he rushes towards him.

Sidney jumps up and gets in between EJ and Prodigy. “Do you see how terrified he is? Leave him alone, babe!” Sidney tells him and helps EJ up. “You okay?” She asks him in a motherly tone.

He nods his head. “I know you don’t like me, I’ve just always looked up to you the most in the group. I won’t bother you anymore.” He says and hurries off.

“He’s a baby vampire and he has no family. Give him a break baby. All he wants is a mentor.” Sidney tells him and kisses his lips softly.

Prodigy simply lies back down and stares at the stars.


Rae and Princeton are lying under the stars. Princeton is talking to the baby. “Little boy are you awake in there?” He asks her protruding belly.  The baby boy moves inside her belly slightly. Princeton simply smiles and becomes quiet as a mouse.

“Why’d you stop talking to him?” Rae asks him.

Princeton looks up at her. “He’s sleepy so I figured I’d give him a little peace.” He tells her and rubs her stomach.

Rae kisses his cheek and drifts to sleep as well.


Tamar can’t get to sleep. “Vince?” She calls.

He turns over from his napping. “mhm?” He answers drowsily.

“Are we bad parents?” She asks.

He grabs her hand. “Don’t let that crazy bitch make you second guess yourself. You’re wonderful and me nor the girls or boys would trade you for the world, now get some rest!” he reassures her and turns back over to sleep.

She smiles slightly and soon after falls asleep as well.


Ray is silently thinking of all the good times he had with Neah. He finds it weird that he can’t feel her at all. He has no bitterness toward her he just wants the best for her. He now realizes that he has closure and he’s learning to live without her and he’s fine with that. His reminiscing isn’t him wanting her back it’s him simply finding a happy place in the midst of this darkness that he and his family are in right now.



Neah hasn’t been able to sleep well in weeks. She tosses and turns all through the night. She wakes up in a sweat. She hears the front door close and she runs downstairs to check on it. “Hey honey. You alright?” Her mom asks her as she notices the despaired look on her face.

“No but I can’t really talk about it with you either.” She expresses and starts to head upstairs.

“Is it about Jay Jay?” She says intentionally messing up his name.

She shakes her head. “See mom stuff like that is the reason why I can’t have a mature conversation with you about him!”

“I’m sorry. Now talk to me?” Her mom says nicely.

“I’ve been having terrible dreams about him as if something is going to happen to him. Maybe I just miss him. I don’t know but I’m scared.” She explains with tears forming in her eyes.

“I’m sure he’s fine sweetie. Don’t worry your pretty little head, okay?”

Neah nods her head and starts back up the stairs.

Her mom walks away from the front door into the living room.

Neah stops in her tracks for a moment and thinks. “Aye mom?”

“Yeah?” Her mom answers as she rolls her eyes in frustration.

“Where have you been?”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Stay tuned! - Chasity

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