Ch. 21: Conflicted

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Neah’s mom stares Ray Ray down. “You really shouldn’t be here, I would hate for you to watch me kill your little pretty!” She says with a smile.

Ray pulls Neah behind him so fast that her mother can’t even attempt to stop him.

“Mom, why are you doing this? You had to have even an ounce of love for my father to be with him for over 18 years. What happened to make you this way?” Neah speaks through tears.

Neah’s mom drifts away into a daydream when she hears her daughter’s words: “I owe you the truth, my love.” Neah’s dad says to her mother.

“Whatever your truth is, it will never make me stop loving you.” She vowed to him as she kissed his cheek.

He pulls away from her. “I did something terrible, baby . . .”

“Just tell me, you can trust me.” She tells him sincerely.

“It was a dark night and me nor any of my friends had fed in days and this young girl was walking in the woods alone and I tried to stop them but they killed her anyways.” He reveals.

She pauses for a moment. “How long ago was this?”

“You were probably like 14 when this happened; the girl was about the same age, maybe.”

Her mouth widens as he lays his head in her lap. She realizes that the girl his friends killed was her childhood best friend. ”You didn’t kill her though. You shouldn’t feel guilty, babe.” She says to him clearly lying about her feelings towards the situation at hand.

“But I should because I could have done more. I guess in reality I didn’t want them to stop because I knew we needed blood if we wanted to survive the night. I was selfish just like them.” He adds.

She feels revenge creeping upon her. It’s boiling in her blood. The man she had married and had fell so deep in love with was the man who watched his friends kill her sweet Gloria and he did nothing to help. He drank her blood right along with them. She wanted him dead but she knew he was far much stronger than her so she had to be smart about how she killed him or had him killed. She would avenge her friend’s death if it was the last thing she ever did.

Neah’s mom snaps out of her daydream.

“This will be the last time you ever harm Neah!” Ray tells her.

She grabs Neah’s legs and cuts one with a knife. “Her blood must smell delicious to you! How can you resist?” Her mom asks with a sneaky smile.

Ray takes in the scent. Every inch of him want to drown his tongue in her blood but he knows he can’t.

She slits her leg once more.

Neah screams out in agony.

“Stop it!” Ray yells as he fights with himself not to devour her himself. He is becoming weaker as he focuses more and more on Neah’s blood.

Her mother stabs her in the side.

Neah gasps for air as she holds her side. “Ray Ray, don’t watch me die . .  . just go please.” She weakly tells him.

He’s shaking. “I can’t leave you. I’m bound to you.” He admits to her. He moves away from her as he feels his fangs releasing.

“I love you. Now please go.” She tells him and smiles a little.

Her mother gets in her face one last time. “I’m going to enjoy this. I would let your wannabe boyfriend kill you but he’s taking too long for my liking.” She tells her and holds the knife to her throat. She cuts slightly into her neck after a short while.

Ray gains some strength and runs toward her and throws her off of Neah. He then lets his fangs indulge in her jugular vein and watches her bleed to death right before his eyes.

Neah’s watches in fear. She gathers up the last bit of strength she has and moves slowly towards her mom. “You killed her, Ray! No mama! No!” Neah screams as she stares at her still mom. She conflicted between being grateful for him saving her and also being mad that he killed her mother.

Ray tries to grab her but she pulls away. “I’m sorry it happened like this . . . she was going to kill you so I had to finish her.” He says sadly.

Neah nods her head and kisses her mom’s forehead. She just sits in silence.

Ray grabs her up and totes her out of the house. “I wish things were different, Neah.” He tells her. He feels terrible about killing her mother and he wonder if she’ll ever forgive him for this. He knew it was the right thing to do but a part of him feels like he killed her not only because she was harming Neah but also because she hated him so much. Maybe he had got his revenge on her for selfish reasons. His next dilemma is to get Neah healed without having to explain to the police what all has went on. The only healer he knew was Roc but he was off trying to save Rae. Ray was already conflicted with leaving to save Neah or to help save Rae. He knew the group would persuade Roc to not help him and Neah, if she even makes it through the night.


*The Group*

“Ahhhhhh” Rae screams as she feels the labor pains of her child. She’s back to her senses and can feel every bit of pain that this baby is causing. She doesn’t realize that Silas has a deeper effect on her unborn child.

Princeton hears her agonizing scream and her blood smells even closer. They move closer into the woods and see her drenched in blood from her waist down.

“Baby, you got to get this baby from inside me.” She screams as she shakes from all the pain she’s being put through.

“Princeton, it’s killing her slowly but surely.” Tamar notifies him.

“It’s happening all over again . . .” Sidney says in fear as she reminisces on being in labor with Imari.

SiSi stares at Sidney. “What’s happening all over again?”

“What’s killing her?” Princeton asks in irritation.

“The baby!” Tamar answers him as she tends to Rae.

“That’s what’s happening all over again.” Sidney says to SiSi.

Princeton tries to run to Rae but Vince stops him. “Let Tamar handle her, we have a volve to kill, okay?”

“I can’t just leave her like this!” He yells.

Silas walks up. “I guess ya’ll missed me?” He asks with a laugh.



Stay Tuned! - Chasity

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