Chapter 30: Paranoid

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*The Group*

The group is gathered outside in the woods where they buried Tamar’s body. Sniffles ring out, tears fall, and silence so thick it can be cut with a knife, as they each lay a single flower on her headstone. They have already taken turns paying their respects and sharing their favorite memories of Tamar, now everyone is speechless.

Especially Princeton.

He hasn’t uttered a word since he found out about the only mother he ever knew. Regret is consuming him, and he’s hanging on by a thin thread. He clings to his sleeping boy in his arms for dear life, Rae next to him, holding onto his arm. If it wasn’t for his little family, he would fall apart. But he has to hold it together for them.

Although, everyone wants to find out who did this to Tamar, desperately, they don’t have any leads right now. They all agree they’re just going to rest one day, let this be a day to morn her, and then resume trying to find Tamar’s murderer tomorrow.

No one says anything as they go all retreat to their suites. Silence so loud covers the palace like a heavy blanket.

*Rae & Prince*

“Baby, are you okay?” Rae asks, unbuckling her shoes, and placing them carefully by the foot of the bed.

He shakes his head, making his hair bounce. “I killed her, I might as well would have been the one who stabbed her.”

“NO! Don’t you dare say that,” Rae squeaks, walking around and stooping down next to him, looking into his eyes. “Tamar knew you were just upset, you didn’t mean those hurtful things,” Rae says, grasping his free hand.

“I wish things had of been different, though. I was the reason she was there in the first place,” Prince stands up abruptly running swift fingers through tangled curls. “I hoped she knew I loved her.”

“She did Prince,” Rae follows him across the room, where he’s pacing. “But you can’t do this to yourself, I’m not going to let you.” Rae says hotly, standing on tiptoes to pull his face down to look at her.

Prince jerks away. “Do what?”

“Blame yourself, and feel guilty. We all say things we don’t mean Prince, that’s apart of life, but she’s gone, and I know you loved her, but you have to dust yourself off and move forward. That’s what Tamar would want, she wouldn’t want you punishing yourself, for something that was out of your control.”

Prince gives her a small smile, “I love you so much, babe. I know you’re right, its just going to take some time,” he says, pulling her into his chest. She breaths in his spicy manly scent and feels his love envelope her.

“I know it is,” responds Rae, hugging herself closer to him. “But you have me, and that little boy over there, everything is going to be okay.” she grins at him.

He gives her a peck on the cheek, and stands there holding her.

*Roc & SiSi*

Roc is quieter than SiSi has ever heard him. She doesn’t really know what to say, so she remains quiet offering silent reassures with her touches, and her warm glances.

“Did I ever tell you the story of how Tamar found me?” He asks with glassy eyes.

She shakes her head, cuddling up with him on their sofa. “Tell me.”

“My birth parents were abusive, I had a junkie father, and a drunk mother for parents.” He sighs his face becoming haunted as he’s relieving the memories. “I was hungry. I was always hungry, and I ate the last of the eggs in the refrigerator, and my dad who came home high, blew up on me. He always told me one day, he was going to kill me, because I was worthless, and useless, that night he was so high he nearly did. I went into the street with a stab wound to the stomach, near death, trying to find help. Tamar and Vince were in New York, she said it was something about me, and she couldn’t let me die. I think it was because she lost her own child, and she didn’t want to see someone so young lose their life. Thank God they found me, because if Tamar hadn’t of bitten me, I wouldn’t be here today. I owe her my life.”

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