Chapter 8: Moving on.

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*Rae & Princeton*

Prince wakes up, and after doing his morning routine he decides to fix he and Rae breakfast. She wakes up from a deep sleep, and she smells the bacon wafting into the room, from kitchen.

Normally, this would be a smell that Rae would love to smell but today it makes her feel queasy. Rae runs into the bathroom, and empties the contents of her stomach. The heaving continues for several moments, and she watches the yellow bile of her stomach fill the toilet. Her eyes begin to water, and a sharp pain shoots through her stomach.

She stays with her face planted in the toilet until the wave of nausea has passed. She breaths a sigh of relief, flushing and quickly getting up to brush her teeth, to rid her mouth of the horrible taste.

After Rae finishes up in the bathroom, she goes into the bedroom and grabs her robe. She’s feeling overly tired today, and she wonders why. She yawns loudly, and heads into the kitchen where Princeton is standing at the counter making a hearty breakfast.

“Hey babe,” Princeton walks over to Rae planting a kiss on her forehead. “You sleep well?”

She shrugs. “I guess. I’m not feeling well today.”

A glint forms in Princeton’s eyes, but he quickly averts his gaze from her. “What’s wrong, my love?”

“I got sick this morning,” She mumbles, taking a large gulp from her orange juice.

“I’m sorry to hear that, you feel better now?”

She nods, “a little.”

“Are you hungry?”

“Starved,” Rae says devouring a muffin that’s sitting on the table, from the basket.

Princeton beams at her, sitting a plate in front of her. She drops the muffin immediately, the smell of bacon makes her feel sick again, and she runs into the bathroom, and throws up again.

Meanwhile, Princeton is grinning, he thinks she might finally be pregnant.

*SiSi & Roc*

SiSi is dining in a local café on her little getaway. She orders two cheeseburgers, and a heaping helping of fries. She’s been starving herself lately, being depressed over Roc and all, so she hasn’t had much of an appetite. Now, she’s really hungry, and making up for lost time. She keeps a low profile, sitting in the corner, being indiscrete so she doesn’t run into any trouble, even though, she can hold her own.

She sighs heavily, her heart lurching forward in her chest as she sees Roc’s picture on her phone screen. Her heart is begging her to call him, and go home, but the stubbornness within her, won’t let her.

She huffs, and slams the phone down, earning several looks from customers. She smiles sheepishly and goes back to playing to the salt and pepper shakers.

A tall handsome man, who looks to be in his early twenties, brings out her food. SiSi can’t help but notice his adorableness. He’s super tall like over six feet, and very well built, bronze skin tone, light gray eyes, jet black hair, long eyelashes, and dimples. He is so cute, she can’t help but stare at him.

He is no Roc of course, but still a looker. He gives SiSi, a huge grin, showing a perfect top row of pearly white teeth. She can’t help but smile back at him, feeling a small flutter in her chest.

Meanwhile, back at the palace, Roc has picked up on SiSi’s interaction with the handsome stranger. He kicks the glass table of the main room in, making a huge noise and shattering it to pieces. The commotion brings everyone of their suites.

“What is it, Roc?” Ray asks coming into the room.

“What in the world is wrong with you boy?” Rae asks in hair rollers, and a green mask. “Folks is trying to relax.” She grumps, hands on hips.

“Is something wrong with SiSi?” Vince asks.

“She’s with someone,” he screams the vein in his forehead popping out indicating he’s really pissed. “A fucking man!”

Everyone starts looking at each other, neither of them wanting to say anything.

“Maybe its not like you think.” Tamar tries to soothe him.

“Like hell, I can feel her attraction to him. I’m going after her ass.” He says angrily, picking up the brooding balls from the spot on the couch and turning them over and over in his hands. It helps him with stress.

“Roc, don’t do anything you’re going to regret, just see how things pan out. This could be totally innocent.”

“Like hell!”

“Roc just think about this pumpkin,” Tamar starts. “SiSi wouldn’t do that to you boo.”

“That’s probably the reason why she left.” Rae says, everyone turns to look at her. “What? Ya’ll know ya’ll was thinking the same thing.”

Princeton grabs her hand when he sees Roc glaring at her. “Let’s get you to bed…” He says hurrying off.

“Roc. SiSi needs this time alone right now, just wait it out. Okay?” Vince says.

“Fine. But if I catch sight of her giving some nigga what’s mine, I’m fucking losing my shit.” He says, going into his new suite.


“You gone call ol’ girl from the mall, bruh?” Prod asks, Ray, while they’re sitting in the main room.

Ray shrugs, Prodigy knows that seeing Neah hurt him all over again, he needs to push Ray to get over Neah so the vision he had will not come to fruition.

“You really should though, she seems like cool.” Prod says.

“I think he should call, Neah.” Syd says, sitting down next to Prodigy on the sofa.

Prod gives her a dirty look. “Don’t you have some to do, like tend to our daughter, cook or clean.”

She hits Prodigy in the head. “For your information, our daughter is sleeping.” She turned her attention back on Ray. “Call Neah. This is crazy y’all need to be together.”

Ray’s jaw clenches. “I can’t.” He says getting up.

Ray goes into his suite, and pulls out his cellphone. He can’t decide who to call. Should he call the girl? Or should he call Neah. He finally reaches a decision, and dials……………….

Stay tuned -Rae

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