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Omg guys.


First of all, I want to say sorry sorry sorry (repeat until you actually forgive me) for not updating FOR A REALLY LONG TIME and that THIS IS NOT AN UPDATE.

You may or may have not known that I have started working a few weeks back and I literally, legit, haven't had the time to sit down and write. All I've been doing lately is working my ass off because I forgot that I'm 18 and a legal adult and have responsibilities.

Yes, mourn for me please.

So I really don't know when can I have the time to write another chapters but please know I'm never going to leave this book hanging.

Because this book has a special place in my heart and I can't leave it. And I won't.

So right now all I need is time! I hope yall won't leave this book too bc I'd be sad :( I really wanted you to read the end cause I have planned everything.

Now, thank you to all of you who have been voting this book even when I was away. I will write this book down soon, but until then, please bear with my miserable adulthood. ❤

Until then,

dometry_  ❤

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