Author's Note.

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Where do I start? 😭

I refused to make this a long ass note that nobody cares to read, so I'd like to say a BIG thank you to everyone who have been reading, voting, and commenting on this book. Maybe 20K Reads and 800+ Votes doesn't mean much to some, but it means A LOT to me because English is not my native language, I still have suckish grammar and tenses and still learning, but writing is one of the thing that I love the most in my life.

So to be able to share my story on this platform and to have people who actually read and loved this story, it means a lot!

So once again, thank you, each one of you who have been supporting me and this story since it first started AND after all my miserable, late updates. ❤️

I'll be back again with a new story soon and one that is not a fanfiction. ❤️

Thank you for reading this story till the end! Ily all and happy new year loves! ❤️

Thank you for reading this story till the end! Ily all and happy new year loves! ❤️

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-December 31, 2018, 0308AM-

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