~ 26

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Guyssss. I'm so eager to finish this story now, it's been living too long in my head and I need to get it all out. I've been brainstorming, so I'm so sorry for the really late update. 🙏🏼

Some shit is coming up though, so I hope that'll worth the wait, muahaha.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this chapter and the rest of it that will be coming up by the time you read this! VOTE/COMMENT/SHARE now! 💕❤️🌸


I awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding myself of the remaining glimpses of a dream, my eyes were still shut as I soaked in the warmth of my covers and snuggled myself in Alex's arms. "Wake up, sleepy head."

He groaned slightly, half-awake and shifted his position without moving his arm where I laid my head down. I smiled to myself and not wanting to disturb his sleep, I pushed myself off of the bed and walked out of the door towards the bathroom.

When I finished my bath about a few minutes later, I slipped on Alex's shirt that I found hanging on a couch in the living room, regretted that I left the house without extra clothes but didn't complain since I loved wearing his clothes. Alex was still asleep peacefully in the bedroom, so I made my own plan.

I went to the kitchen and checked the fridge to see if I could feed myself with something. My eyes caught the sight of eggs and sausages and I quickly grabbed them out and put it on the kitchen island to make myself a breakfast.

Through halfway of my meal, I took out my phone and dialled a number. Yuree picked up her phone right about less than a minute later. "Morning."

"Uh, good morning, Camila?" Yuree answered from the other end. "You sounds incredibly happy for someone who literally screamed at me on the phone at midnight."

I laughed and furrowed my brows. "Was it that bad?"

"Really bad. Care to tell me what happened?"

I sighed at the thought of explaining everything that happened last night. If I could have an amnesia just for a specific memories, I would want last night to burn away from my mind. Just the thought of their betrayal made my lipped curled and my mind felt as if lead were coursing through it instead of blood. My once sunny childhood memories of them now felt as if they were tarred, disfigured into something grotesque.

"Camila?" Yuree's voice on the speaker snapped me out of my thoughts and I quickly shook my head, trying to keep all the painful memories away. "Are you still there?"

"Um yeah," I inhaled sharply and cleared my throat. "Yuree, are you busy right now? Do you have any class?"

"No, I don't. It's Saturday, silly."

"Wait, is it?" I furrowed my brows. "Anyway, I kinda have plan."

"No plan until you tell me what happened," Yuree threatened. I could pictured her smirk perfectly on my head.

"Urgh, come on," I groaned. "I'd rather not to talk about it."

"But I'm worried about you, Cam. At least tell me if everything's okay now?"

I bit my lips and played with the scrambled eggs on my plate. "It will be, I guess. I hope."

"What exactly happened? Cam, you know I'm always here for you, right? Stop hiding anything from me."

"I'm not," I protested. "But it's just- hard. I can't talk about it right now, I'd rather not to. I promise when it's time, I will tell you. Okay?"

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