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How about some Alex's POV? ;) ;) ;) ;) Alex deserved a POV guys. (WHICH I JUST REALIZED) xD

Also, I fixed a tiny moment where Camila asked Alex if he was okay in the previous chapter, so you can read it again (but seriously it's just a tiny fix) or it's okay to just go along with this one.

So anyway! Move along. Don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought. ⚘❤


Alex's POV.

I glanced over the watch around my wrist- it had been half an hour since the first time I stayed in this car- every minutes seemed too long to change and I became anxious over everything. There was two big guys sitting in front of me, not taking their eyes off of the road but I knew behind those black glasses, they were watching me. As for what reason, I couldn’t think of something. The last thing I know was I was walking through the streets hours earlier and a black Hummer parked right next to me, and the FBI-looking guys with a gun pointed accurately on my chest asked me to get right in.

The next few minutes in the car was a blur- none of the guys said anything, even when I asked them where and why was I there. So I gave up and leaned my head against the seat. All I could think of was if this had something to do with the police, then I’m dead. But none of the guys touched me or harm me in any way- well, apart from the pointed gun, so I assumed it was probably just another rich folk wanting the only thing I could give. It wasn’t the first time I’d dealt with a high roller before.

Slipping my thoughts away, I closed my eyes and started to get sleepy when suddenly the door swung open. Another guy in an all-black suit gestured me to get out. Not wanting to start a mess, I got out of the car and followed the guys footsteps towards a building cautiously. The building was a three-story structure, all covered in white and the windows were all tinted in black; where you can’t definitely see a thing. Based on the indoor decoration, I assumed it was an office.

The guys stopped in front of the receptionist desk and said something to the redheaded girl, and then we moved again. I managed to glance over a few people; probably workers, walking past by us. They didn’t look like they were working with an evildoer but then again, it wasn’t necessary to look evil to be working with an evil.

My pointless thoughts snapped out of me when we stopped finally, in front of a big double-doors. I grew anxious suddenly, my palm was sweating but I showed no emotion. One of the guy opened the door, and asked me to get inside. I stepped in warily, thoughts running through my mind as my eyes darted across the room. The door behind me slammed close and I turned my head around.

I expected the room to be decorated with a bunch of mahogany, leather expensive chairs and stuff like most rich folks I had dealt in the past, but this room was modern. From the tiles, decoration to the curtains hung above the windows.

The only thing that scared half of me that day was when I realized how awfully, terribly quiet the room was and I didn’t like it a single bit. I seriously considered the thought of calling out someone when suddenly I heard footsteps grew closer. Then a man about in his forties, glided from across the room and towards the desk. He just sat down, made no sounds as if I wasn’t there in the first place.

Then a deep, cold baritone pierced into my ears, “Alex Colson Baker.”

I just watched as he took out a cigar, lit a small fire and puffed the smoke out of his mouth. “Nice to see you finally.”

I didn’t know what exactly to say, so I just stood there, watching the old man and trying to guess what he actually wanted from me. The word ‘finally’ made me guess that he’d been wanting to meet me for quite a while since then.

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