~ 15

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“Camila? Hey!”

I shut my locker and turned around to face a boy with a pale-skin and freckles around his nose. I recognized him instantly. “Bucky?”

He grinned sheepishly. “You know me?”

“Course. I was in your club that day,” I said. “What’s up?”

“Uh, I umm.. I wanna ask you a few questions.”

“What kind of questions?”

“Is it true that you were in Oakwood Ave-”

“Whoa, okay, excuse me, the queen is coming,” Suddenly Nancy appeared from behind me. “Bucky, get your ass somewhere else. You have no rights to know what happened in her life, now do you?”

Bucky looked down, shaking his head.

“Nancy-” I wanted to cut her off for being too hard on him, honestly Bucky wasn’t such a bad kid.

“No, Camila. You can’t let these people ask personal questions for you and for what? To put it on top of this school’s newspaper and the facebook,” Nancy muttered, almost too fast in my hearing. “Isn’t that right, Bucky?”

He gulped, bowed down and mumbled a sorry before he left. I sighed and turned around facing Nancy.

“What?” She asked, innocently.

“Don’t be so hard on him,” I said, starting making my way towards our next class.

“Don’t be so nice, Cam. People takes advantage to that,” She looped her arms around my shoulder. “Besides, Bucky’s from the school's magazine club. They aren’t nice, they grab gossip, rumours and make it a title for the next week.”

“Pretty sure my name is already on half of the magazines in this country,” I mumbled.

“Then don’t let them rub a salt in the wounds!” Nancy put her head on my shoulder and sighed. “I thought living as a famous star is a fairytale.”

I smirked. “It’s only a fairytale because you’re rich. Being famous sucks.”

Nancy giggled. “Sounds legit. Now let’s go to our next class, shall we?”

I grinned and nodded my head, though we went to our separate way since a class that I was in after the first period was Art. I walked into the class, half expecting Alex to be there. When I sat down on a wooden stool and none of any sight of Alex was inside, I let out a sigh.

“Alright, ladies and gentleman,” Mr. Rome began his class, flipping a page on the notebook he was holding. “First of all I would like to thanks all of my student who participated in my homework last week. All of you did a great job, give yourself a clap."

The students cheered to themselves, some of them grinning ears to ears with their partner.  I just looked over Mr. Rome, waiting for whatever he wanted to say next and couldn’t wait for the class to be over.

“But overall, two paired student's’ work caught my eyes, and as much as I love all of your works, these two deserved something for their amazing work,” Mr. Rome smiled excitedly as he pulled out an A-4 sized paper and looked up to our crowds. “Here’s to Camila Cabello and Alex Colson Baker for such a great art. You two did an amazing work.”

At the claps of hands and eyes that were on me, I blinked a few times trying to figured out if it was really happening. For a moment, I clapped my hands too since everyone were doing it. I barely paid any attention to Mr. Rome and I regretted it, honestly.

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