chapter 2- Home Hell Home

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sorry guys I guess it has got a kind of slow start anyways lets get back to Elizabeth?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I walked in and then immediately went upstairs to my room and collapsed on my bed after locking the door. I then cried for hours. Steve, my step-dad started knocking on the door.

“Hey. Lizzie?” he seemed so sweet and innocent. Just like a normal step-dad. “Let me in darling. We need to talk.” Eventually I got up and let him in. we sat on my bed and started to talk.

“We need to talk about who will look after you.” He started. “If you want to stay here I will, but if not you can live a care home, maybe get adopted or something, or live with a friend. If they want you”

I sat there thinking. If any friend it would be Zayn. Yes, Zayn Malik. He is my best friend. “You don’t have to decide now but there is the choice.” Steve then stood up and walked out the door.

I went on my laptop and started playing cut the rope when I got a Skype call from Zayn, speaking of the devil. He was currently in America, doing a small tour around with his band, doing some charity events. The last one was yesterday, so they now have some days to rest and soak in the sun before coming back to England. We have been skypeing and emailing his whole tour.

“Hiya how ar- Lizzie! What’s wrong?” I suddenly realised my mascara and eyeliner was all down my checks.

“Um m-my m-mum” I started on the verge of tears. “S-she g-got i-in a-an accident a-and um. She…she d-died.” I said tears rolling down my checks. I looked at Zayn and he had a tear down his right check. He loved my mum. She treated him like a son.

“Hi Zaynie! What’s wrong?” I heard from behind Zayn, Louis had walked in. I had met all the boys once a year ago.

“I’ll tell you later.” He muttered.

“GUYS! ZAYNIE IS CRYING!” Louis yelled to I’m guessing all the other boys. I heard a lot of footsteps and then saw Liam, Niall and Harry burst through the door.

“What’s wrong?” Niall and Harry said at the same time.

“Nothing” Zayn muttered, looking at the screen at me.

“Well, I think something is” Liam said.

“Well your wrong! Can you accept that ‘Daddy Direction’? That’s right wise guy, Liam, got something wrong!” Zayn yelled, it was probably him getting the anger of my mum’s death out.

“Mate, calm down. What’s wrong?” Niall asked

“OH FOR GOD'S SAKE NOTHING NIALL!” Zayn screamed. I had never seen him like this. More tears started to roll down his checks

“Wow! Stressy!” Harry laughed.  Suddenly Zayn lifted his hand about to hit Harry. I flashed back to the first time Steve hit me. I couldn’t watch.

“ZAYN! NO! STOP IT!” I yelled, my voice wavering and my eyes acting like Niagara Falls. The boys then realised that he was having a video-call with me.

“Oh, hey Lizzie. What’s up, baby?” harry asked with a cheeky wink. Zayn gave him manger death glares.

“I’m sorry Lizzie.” Zayn spoke up.

“It’s fine. I just don’t like violence.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” I smiled at him.

“Hey boys” I said weakly at them. I then heard Steve yelling something at me. He sounded drunk. He sounded angry. Great combination! Cue the sarcasm.

“I have to go bye!” I rushed ending the call just before Steve barged through the door.

“Come here!” he shouted at me. I stood up and went over to him shaking. I stood about a meter away from him but I could smell the foul smell of beer on him, overwhelming his usually body odder of sweat and way too much after shave.

“w-what is it?” I asked scared.

“Come closer.” He said, smirking. There was no way he wasn’t drunk. I took a couple of small steppes closer looking at the ground. He then took two of his fingers and placed them under my chin pulling my face up. He then smashed his lips against mine. I tried with all my might to get away but he pushed me against the wall and continued kissing me sloppily. I then stopped waiting for the right moment. He continued kissing me as tears started rolling down my face. It was now or never had I decided. I kicked him right where it hurts he pulled away holding his ‘special place’ as I ran for the door. I grabbed the handle but never twisted it. Steve had grabbed my arm and I fell to the floor hard. He then dragged my body towards him. He started slapping, hitting and kicking me until he grabbed the vase I had on my table full of red roses, and dropped it on my head causing black to surround me.

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