chapter 19- Special Night and Out Of Prison

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Niall and I stood outside Perrie and Zayn's door waiting for it to be opened. in the silence I felt another kick and clutched my stomach. Man that one hurt!

"are you ok?" Naill asked looking at me

"yeah! im fine! these kids just cant stop as soon as they start they don't want to bloody stop!" I explained rubbing my stomach hoping to calm them down.  Niall laughed.

"you know 3 more months" he said matter-of-factly. "3 months and we're going to see them!" he smiled. and I smiled back just before the door opened.

"hey!" Perrie called as she opened the door.

"hey!" Niall and I said in unison, just then Harry and Liam came out of Liam's flat.

"well hello, fancy seeing all of you!" Harry said sarcastically, wheeling Liam over. we let Liam go in first and as he was entering, Louis and El came out. everyone was talking and saying 'hey' when I felt a small chill run down my spine. everything went quiet. well in my world of thought, really everyone was talking but my mind had tried to block them out. I looked behind me, towards the window at the bottom of the corridor. I felt as if I was being watched. and I didn't like it. the numberings of the others, grew loader as I fell beck into reality, but still with the sinister feeling we were being watched by unwanted eyes.

we came in and sat in their living area everyone talking but me I couldn't get over the fact I felt we were all being watched. I looked up, I was facing the window.  I swear I could see a figure on the other side, I felt sick to the stomach. 

"Lizzie? Lizzie! what's wrong?" I heard Niall say bringing me back to reality again.

"n-nothing" I said looking at him. I looked back to the window and saw nothing but the curtains blowing slightly from the partly opened window. "it was nothing" I mumbled manly to myself. Niall was about to say something but Zayn came in making his first appearance of the night.

"Dinner is ready!"  he called and Niall jumped up and was sat at the table in a heart beat. we laughed at his enthusiasm as we also sat up with him.

we ate mostly in silence enjoying the fabulous flavours as they set our taste buds on fire. well that's what I got when I ate the small amount of mouthfuls I did. I still felt weird and it was starting to scare me. 

"Lizzie are you sure you're ok? you've hardly eaten." Louis asked noticing my still mostly full plate.

"oh im not that hungry im not feeling too good." I said to be fair it wasn't really a lie!

"well, you have to eat its not good for you or th-" he started

"Louis I know! ok ! I know! im just not feeling good get over it!" I snapped. I instantly regretted it as the table fell silent. "Louis im sorry. I didn't mean it! I- its...." I wanted to tell them  "its just these bloody pregnancy hormones." I sighed.

"its fine!" Louis said smiling and small talk once again took over. no one was paying attention to me and I liked that! after we all finished we sat again in the living area.

"so when are you due again?"

"March 16th." I smiled. and realised so was everyone else. I saw in the corner of my eye Zayn put his hand in his pocket and then stood up. he cleared his throat and looked at me. I smiled and nodded. this was it!

"can I have your attention?" Zayn started. and he turned to Perrie who was sat next to Louis who was next to El who was next to me. he looked in her eyes and slowly lowered himself so he was kneeling in front of her balanced on one knee. "Perrie. you really are the apple of my eye. you're beautiful, kind loving and the best girlfriend any one could wish for." he pulled out his hand and upon it was a velvet red box that sprang open revelling a small golden ring with two emeralds and a diamond in the golden circle. "I love you so much. you have no idea really how much! every time you laugh I laugh I smile when I see a smile apon your soft lips. I cry when you cry and my heart shatters when a tear runs down your beautiful face. I love you so much I only want to be with you! please. would you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?" he asked looking at her. Perrie took her hand and whipped away the tears down her face.

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