Chapter 12- Fireworks and Realising

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"uh hum" a voice coughed. we quickly pulled apart to see Louis looking at us very smugly. "im sorry was I interrupting something?" he said sarcastically.

"nope not at all!" I said just a little quickly. He smirked even more at my reaction. "in fact I was just going to go and shower." I said making up an excuse to leave the awkward situation.

"yeah, yeah, what ever you say!" he continued to smirk. "oh but your secret is safe with me! as fun as it would be to see Zayn beet Niall up we need him for the band!" Louis finished with a laugh. i just ignored him and went upstairs and into the room ive been given and into the bathroom. I stripped down and jumped into the shower. I washed my hair and my body and shaved my legs. I then jumped out and went into my walk in wardrobe. have I mentioned how much I love these guys? I chose a simple outfit, just a pair of short denim shorts, a pair of black tights underneath, a red one armed top that had a skull and cross bones on in black. I then went back into the bathroom and applied some mascara and eye liner.

I walked out and down the stairs finding Niall in the kitchen....oh im so surprised! please note the sarcasm! I looked at him and he smiled, making me also smile.

"where are the others?" I asked curious to why the house was so quiet.

" Liam and Louis are out with Eleanor and Danielle I think some kind of double shopping date thingy. Harry went out to get some food and meet up with Simon as he wants to talk to him about something and Zayn is still asleep!" he smiled again after finishing his sentence.

"cool!" I replied and sat on the sofa next to him.

"Lizzie, you wanna....I mean you don't have to but I mean..." Niall stammered. I knew what he was talking about, the almost kiss that Louis just had to ruin. wait why am I so upset over it? I mean me and Niall are good friends but not in that way!....right? "you know don't worry. it doesn't matter." Niall said looking at the ground a glint of sadness in his clear blue eyes.

"Niall.....I" i started but had no idea what i was going to say. it became awkwardly silent as we sat there.

he suddenly just sat up and stared into my eyes as i gazed in his, losing myself in their perfect crystal blue. i started to think of the last time we were doing this, when everything seemed perfect. when i forgot about everything. i realised once again he was leaning in and so was i, the space between us was closing i felt my eyes close just before his lips met mine.

fireworks exploded in my stomach as our lips moved in sync. never had i felt so alive. it was then i realised maybe....just maybe i really was falling for Niall.


hey guys so sorry it was so short!





luv ya all!

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