Labour Pains and Surprises. PART 2

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its now been 11 hours and 45 minutes. its around 11:30 pm and everyone is tired. i am now 9 and 1/2 cms but it could be another hour until im now really pissed as well as tired...sorry exhausted! the next time i see Steve (my step-dad not the Doc) im going to proper beat his ass for the pain he's put me through! but then the joy i will have of seeing MY children will be amazing. yep MY children, he may be the father but he is NOT their father. he may be biologically, but he has no right! thanks to him im 18 and a soon(VERY SOON)-to-be-mum. i have to now be responsible and wont be able to live a normal 18 year old's life. i want to do so much, go to university. but that now has to be put onto hold because of him. i have no job and yet im now going to have to support myself and my two children. i cant give them up. ill admit i have thought about it but then after losing Laura i just cant do that. i had a dream, when i was really considering it, it seems odd but i really did.


"babby, girl?" a soft kind voice spoke, like an angel singing. i looked up to see my mum and in her arms she was cradling my sleeping princess....well i guess i can call her my sleeping angel as that's what she is now. she was crying and then laughing. i smiled. "Lizzie, i know ypu're thinking of giveing them up, but dont. you love them and they will grow to love you and Niall. they really will. you may think its the right thing for them and you but you will regret this for the rest of your life and they will hate you when their new families decide they will meet you and curse you and deny you are their mother as they will feel hurt that you gave them up, abandoned them. but if you keep them you will love them and be an amazing mother." she said

"ok. i love you mum." i told her as i cried. "and every day, tell her i love her too!" i pointed to my Laura.

"i will and i love you too and will watch you always! but dont be sad, im here with your father now!"

"how is daddy?" i asked

"he is fine and loves you so much. you must go!" and everything started to fade, the white room, Laura, my mum, everything.

before black and then me waking up.

___________END OF DREAM_________

 i still repeat what she said. that they will love ma AND Niall. yeah, if we are still together. we still haven't talked and same with Liam. once me and the babies are home i will talk with both of them together.

"LIZZIE!" i was shaken from my thoughts by Zayn shouting.

"geese! you dont have to shout!" i snapped.

"we've been calling your name for 15 minutes now, you were zoned out, like proper zoned out." he told me

"i-" but i was cut off by a humongous contraction, biggest so far. i screamed into the plastic tube as i attempted to fill my lungs with the laughing gas, i had been  given, but  this time i could still feel a little bit of pain. once the long and painful contraction was over i yawned.

"what's the time?" i asked no one in particular.

"11:46pm." Louis answered looking at his phone. i yawned again, making Zayn yawn, forcing Harry to yawn, causing Eleanor to yawn, meaning Niall yawned, creating Louis' mouth to open wide with a yawn, Liam quickly did the same and to end the chain Perrie yawned. we all looked at each other before laughing. but i suddenly screamed as i felt another huge contraction. it really was the worst i had felt. everyone grew silent. as i groaned again. Sally got up from her chair. she sat on the bottom of my head. i placed my feet together as she peered at me. she looked at me and then again to see how dilated i was.

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