chapter 8- Nandos and Sleep Overs

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after we watched the film, Captin Philips, we decided to go out for lunch. so we went to Nandos.

"yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Niall exclaimed when we agreed to go there. when we arrived it didn't seem to busy. we walked in the boys with their hoods up with sunglasses. when we got in we sat at a table near the back with a special request as there wasn't that many people the boys took off their hoods and sunglasses. I giggled at them all.

"what?" Niall asked.

"its just you don't want to be noticed so you wear your hood up with sunglasses on! it looks rediculace! you really don't stand out at all!" I laughed, saying the last bit sarcastically. the girls joined in and eventually so did the boys.

just after we all calmed down a girl about my age came over. she obviously knew who she was waitering as she had her skirt hicked up and her top buton on her already low cut blouse undone. her face looked awful, like not to be horrid but it looked like a crayon has just raped her face! she has so much make up on she could be a clown! but then she looked familier.

"hey, im Amanda, your waitress for today can I get you all a drink?" she said twidderling with a piece of hair. and then it struck me. its Amanda Bandring she used to bully me at school until she found out im friends with Zayn she then started to be super nice but she would pick on me a lot.

"can I have a coke please?" Niall asked.

"make that two cokes" harry said.

"make that four" Eleanor said "for me and Dani!" she explained when we all stared at her.

"can I get a glass of water please?" Liam said

"can I have a lemonade?" Louis asked.

"water again" Zayn answered.

"umm...can I get a-a water too please?" I asked.

"oh my gosh! Lizzie! how have you been babe?" Amanda casually asked as if we were best friends.

"I-im good, you?"

"fine thanks! I better do your orders!" Amanda replied walking away shaking her bum with every step.

"so d'you know her?" questioned Zayn

"yeah she bullied me until she knew I knew you she then started just picking on me one minute and then being my 'best friend' the next." I replied putting air tags around best friend. "im just going to the bathroom." I said getting up and walking away. I walked into the room and looked at myself in the mirror. I pulled my fringe away from my fore-head and looked at the scar she gave me in year 5. I sighed and turned to walk out when I saw Amanda looking at me smirking. she started coming closer and then came about only an inch away.

"stay away from them!" she yelled before slapping me and walking out. I looked at the red hand mark on my cheek and waited for it to settle a little more. I then walked out and back to the table.

"what happened to you?" Zayn asked conserened.

"umm...I walked into a door." everyone looked at me with a look of dis-belief apart from Harry who was looking at his menu and was trying to contain a snicker. just then Amanda came over with the drinks. she smirked when she saw me looking at my pocket mirror looking at the red mark. she handed out the drinks in front of Harry leaning over as many times as possible showing of her boobs. I felt so sorry for Harry he tried to look away but she would then move herself in front of him. we than all ordered. when she started to walk away Zayn whispered to me "did she do it?" I nodded my head and he got up and we watched him go to another worker and asked to see their manager. the man nodded and Zayn came back over. "her manager will be coming back out in a bit." he said smirking. we then all proceeded to make small talk. Amanda then came over with our food. after she walked away a man walked over to us all.

"hello im Mr Slentmill im the manager. what seems to be the problem?"

"well our waitress has slapped Lizzie" he pointed at me "and tried to force Harry to look at her boobies!" the manager looked very disappointed and turned and check nobody was there.

"I am so terribly sorry! we have had many complaints about her and this was her final chance and she has blown it!" he spoke angrily. he then walked away and called for Amanda. we finished our meal and then left for home. it was 8 o'clock. and the boys were in the car in front.

"shall we stop at the drug store now and get the tests so we don't have to then back out?" Eleanor said we agreed and went to the drug store. luckily it didn't shut till 8:30. we went in and picked up 6 different ones. we bought them and then we hid them in my bag. we then drove home.

"where were you?" Liam, Louis and Zayn yelled as we opened the door.

"we went for a short cut I know hopping to beat you but they were doing road works and we were delayed." Eleanor said smoothly. we decided to watch some TV. we saw that James and The Giant Peach was bout to start, so we grabbed some pop-corn and watched it.

it was quarter to 11 when it finished because of all the adverts. 

"maybe we should go to bed?" Niall said yawning. there was a round of yeahs and then good nights and the boys one by one filled up the stairs.

as soon as all the boys doors were shut we went to my bag and I took the tests and walked to the loo. here we go. 


hey guys I know its short but im really bored and yh.




luv ya allxxxxxxxxxx

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