chapter 1 Finding Out

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hey guys this is my first story I have uploaded never mind my first fanfic! so yh. don't judge! however I will read comments for improvement! so yh enjoy!


I daydreamed when I was meant to be listening to Mr Kincksect babble on about different 3D shapes and how to find their perimeters and areas when my phone just had to go off. I snapped out of my own little bubble and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I declined the call as Mr Kincksect walked over to take my phone, I handed it over as I felt my classmates eyes burn into me from all over the room. After putting my phone on the desk, Mr Kincksect continued his boring maths lesson. However he was interrupted once again by my phone.

“Lizzie would you like to take the call and tell them to leave you alone as you are in school and whoever they are they’re also interrupting the education of your class mates?” I had never seen my maths teacher seem so unhappy. I stood up and took the phone off the desk. I walked out of the classroom into the corridor just as it stopped ringing. I sighed and turned back to my classroom. Just as I was about to open the door my phone sprang to life again. The screen flashed ‘Private Number’.

“Hello?” I answered the phone unsure who I was talking to.

“Elizabeth Grinf?” the voice of the stranger spoke. The soft voice indicated it was a woman, she sounded kind and yet important.

“Yes, that’s me. Who are you?”

“I’m Natalie Handily, I work on the police force and I need to tell you some bad news, it is about your mum” no! Nothing can happen to my mum. She’s all I have left. She’s the one that is stopping Steves’ abuse getting to bad.

“w-what’s w-wrong?” I asked stuttering scared to discover the truth.

“I’m so sorry Elizabeth. She was in a car accident this afternoon. We did everything we could, but she died. She passed away just an hour after we got her to hospital. I am so sorry for your loss.”

“no.” I said “you’re lying. She can’t be dead.” I stated my eyes starting to fill with salty tears.

“I am sorry, but she is sweetie.”

“You can revive her you can bring her back.” The tears were flowing down my cheeks. “You h-have to” I whispered as I sunk down the wall.

“I am so sorry, I really am. A lorry drove into her. The lorry driver was a drunk prisoner that had escaped from jail. He died as well.”

“Thank you for calling.” I said

“Anything. Ba-bye!” I hung up before I started to sob very loudly. After at least 20 minutes of crying I recouped and walked through the door. Everyone started at me as I walked to my desk. Just as I thought I was in the clear, Mr Kincksect asked to see me after class. Great! I knew I wouldn’t get past him, nobody does.

After the bell rang and everyone started to leave, I sat there as Mr K stared at me. As soon as everyone had left he jumped straight in.

“Who were you talking to and what about? I can tell it upset you.” He said sat behind his wooden desk.

“i-it was th-the police. My m-mum d-d-died i-in a-an a-a-accident t-today” I said and I broke down again

“Lizzie I am so sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Its fine, sir. I have to get home. Bye”

“Bye” he said and I got up to leave. “Oh, and Lizzie. I’m always here if you need to talk” he smiled

“Thanks” I said walking out the wooden door and started the walk home.

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