chapter 3- Safe House and Prank Time

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wow! three updates in one day yay! 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I woke up in my bed when the light was just peeping through the curtains, it was 4:38 according to my clock. I noticed Steve was in bed beside me, fast asleep. I kept in a gasp. No. oh dear God, please say he didn’t do what I’m thinking he did. I slowly pealed back the cover to reveal my naked body. I looked around the room. The floor was covered in glass from the vase I’m guessing as well as me and Steve’s clothes from yesterday.

I quietly grabbed my phone and went to my wardrobe and got a top, grey tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie as well as knickers and a bra. I crept out of the room and went to the bathroom. I know Steve is a really heavy sleeper so I should be ok to have a shower as long as I am quick. I jumped in and foamed my body with a thick layer of shower gel. I then turned the water on and washed it away I did it then another 7 times. Even after washing my body 8 times I felt dirty and used. I got out the shower and then got dressed. I sat on the toilet, with the seat down in case you were wondering, alone with my thoughts when I suddenly thought of something. What if I get pregnant? No I can’t get pregnant! I’m only just 18! I still have a term of school left!  I grabbed my phone hopping to find something to occupy my mind. I had two new notifications a text from Zayn and a calendar event. I looked at the calendar to see what it was.

‘Zayn and the boys come home to England!:)

I smiled thinking at least I had a friend to turn to if I need to get away from Steve today. I then went to see what the text was. It was from Zayn.

Hi Lizzie-Bizzie! Just to let you know we just got home, I know you wanted me to text when we did, sorry if I woke you! We’re all safe and sound. Can’t wait to see you! Love Z xx

I smiled at the text then looked at the time. I had only just been sent about five minutes ago. I went out the bathroom and quietly went to see if Steve was still asleep. Thankfully he was. I then went downstairs and out into the back garden and dialled Zayn’s number.

(e=Elizabeth and z=Zayn by the way!)

Z= oh hi Lizzie! I’m sorry did u wake you?

E= no you didn’t I woke up before I got your message.

Z=oh ok? are you ok you sound. Weird I don’t know like scared I guess.

E=actually my step-dad got a bit drunk after mum d- you know and umm he…yeah could I come round I just need to get out of the house.

Z=yeah sure!

E=thank you so much! Be round in 10! Bye Zaynie!

Z=bye Lizzie!

He hung up and I went back upstairs. In my head I was debating whether I was going to tell Zayn what my step-dad did to me. I went into my room and got my handbag. I put in my foundation, eye liner, concealer and mascara. A spare pair of clothes, my phone and purse. I grabbed my keys off my desk and walked down the stairs and walked out locking the door as I left after grabbing my coat and some boots.

Zayn lived with his band in an 8 bedroom house 10 minutes away on foot in London. Zayn and I used to be next door neighbours but then my family and I moved to London when my mum remarried. It was just a coincidence he moved where he did after he was put in the band. I remember sitting watching the x-factor with Steve and mum and we all cried when they came second but look at them now. I miss mum so much.

Before I knew it I was at the boy’s house and knocking on the door. Time flies when you’re alone with your thoughts I guess. The door was answered by one of the other boys I think it was Liam.

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